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Religious Education

Find out what our Religious Education Curriculum is like. 

Religious Education



Our vision is for all children’s catholicity to be enriched by the Religious Education Provision that we provide here at St Osburg’s.

To strive to shape our children into the people of God, who know all about how to carry out the Gospel values of compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, humility in everyday life.


For Religious Education, we follow the Diocesan Strategy, ‘Learning and growing as the People of God,’ as a scaffold for planning and coverage. We ensure that a minimum of 10% of Curriculum time is allocated for Religious Education teaching across both key stages.

The Strategy provides teachers with a range of suggested cross-curricular activities, which can be differentiated to suit the learning needs of the children in their class in order for them to explore the Catholic faith and achieve the learning outcomes.

Children are highly engaged in RE lessons through the use of a variety of sources such as religious stories, scripture, religious artwork, songs, music, dance and religious signs and symbols.

There is a strong emphasis on pupils engaging with and responding to questions of life in the light of religious teaching and they are challenged to think about how they put the teachings of the church and Jesus into practise in their own daily lives.

The children are encouraged to continually think about their own spirituality and teachers plan opportunities for children to explore this through discussion, prayer and Collective Worship.

We embed the ‘Catholic Schools Pupil Profile,’ focusing on a different pair of Gospel Virtues each half term, to further encourage our pupils’ spiritual, moral, vocational, social and cultural development. 

In addition, we implement the learning set out in Ten Ten’s Relationship and Health Education (RHE) programme, ‘Life to the Full’, which compliments the teachings of the Catholic faith.

Strong links with our parish priests and community help prepare our children for engaging in the Sacraments of Reconciliation Holy Communion and Confirmation.

The Subject Leader for RE is a member of the Senior Leadership Team and closely monitors the delivery of RE in order to ensure that teaching and learning in RE is outstanding.

The RE curriculum includes guest speakers from Catholic charities and religious leaders and high quality educational resources contribute the delivery of the learning admirably.  The call to vocation is developed in all year groups




Children are engaged in all styles of RE lessons and are able to build upon their religious knowledge year on year.

Children are able to openly and deeply talk about their faith and reflect their Christian duty in their everyday lives. They show this learning through asking questions, providing reflective responses and mutual respect for all people.  

Children show an initiative and desire to contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely. We have a strong sense of charitable outreach and as such, our children actively pursue fundraising opportunities and the families of the school wholeheartedly support us in this mission. 

For children, in their written work, verbal responses and actions towards others, to proudly demonstrate our school’s mission statement.

Children of all abilities and backgrounds achieve well in RE.

Children will understand the Catholic virtues and Catholic Social Teaching which will be focused on each half term and how these relate to their personal life and to British Values

The children of our school will leave with a firm understanding of their faith and what this means for them as Children of God.

RE Curriculum Long Term Plan 2023/24
