Home Page

Year 1

Making an array city

Making cakes in RWI!

Counting groups using coins

Learning about the parable of The Good Samaritan

Re-telling the story of the Lost Sheep using puppets

Sequencing the story of the Baboon on the Moon

A very British afternoon tea to start our London topic

Writing numbers

Ordering numbers

Sorting materials

We visited the stable at the church to see the Nativity scene

Using dice games to develop our counting skills

Advent penitential Service

Sparkle went a bit post it note crazy!

Reception and KS1 disco 🎅🏼🌲

Santa came to give us our nice list certificates!

Chocolate Hunt

Mr Sparkle

Do you wanna build a snowman?

Year 1 at the Panto

Cheeky Sparkle!

Enjoying our Christmas lunch

Problem solving in maths

Easy access to the North Pole!

Sparkle returned with some presents for us!

Santa Cam!

When our Elf came!

Still image for this video

What Was In The Box?

Eek! An early gift from Santa! 🎅🏼

Advent Prayer Service

Advent Art Day

Toy Time outreach session from The Herbert Art Gallery

Matching number bonds to 10

Creating our own alien words

Lego maths!

Our Flum Flum Tree!

Using skittles for ordinal numbers

Linking our senses to Bonfire Night

Baptising the baby

All Soul's Day prayer service

Comparing 2 numbers

Look how much our plants from grown!

Saying hello to the Little Red Hen

When the Little Red Hen came!

Still image for this video

Year 1's new version of The Little Red Hen

What did the Little Red Hen leave today?

Investigating the trees in our school environment

3D shapes fun

Role playing mass

Fractions- yum yum!