Home Page


Welcome to the Reception Class Page.

To find out more about our learning and enriching experiences please go to X.

We are proud to share our learning with you. 

In Reception the children have been learning all about the special Hindu festival of light – Diwali.

The children were immersed into the celebration by learning about Hinduism and their New Year celebrations. The children took part in the following activities:

  • Designing and making clay divas
  • Drawing their own mehndi patterns on templates
  • Creating Rangoli patterns
  • Reading the story of Rama and Sita 
  • Reading the story ‘The Runaway Chapati’ and tasting festival food
  • Learning Diwali poses and moves during PE

Bedtime Phonics 

Thank you to the parents and children who attended our phonics meeting. The children all enjoyed coming back to school in their pyjamas, having a hot chocolate and a bedtime story and even taking a book home with them from the Reading Doctor. 


Below is the presentation from the meeting and helpful phonic videos too. 

Celebrating National Poetry Day

Still image for this video

Reception have settled into school life brilliantly 😊

Reception Class 2024 - 2025


Welcome to your Reception class page where you will find lots of interesting information, home learning opportunities, important updates and photos of our wonderful time at school. 

Please ensure you also check Tapestry and X (twitter) regularly for information on your child's learning and reminders. 


In addition, please do not hesitate to speak to staff with any worries, queries or concerns you may have. We will always be happy to discuss these with you. You can speak to staff first thing in the morning as you drop you child off to school or alternatively contact the school office on 024 76227165.


Thank you, 

Mrs Roberts

Earth Day recycling activity

Preparing herbs and spices like Mary Magdalene

Reception's Lent Inspire

The Last Supper role play

Holy Week activities

Reception's Lent Prayer Service

Life cycle of a chicken

St David's Day

Valentine's Day activities

Floating and sinking experiment

Baptism Role Play

Taking part in Bird Watch

Melting experiment

Our Nativity play

Christmas activities

Reception's Advent Prayer Time

Remembrance Day

Making chocolate sparklers for Bonfire Night

Reception enjoying an autumn walk

Meet the Teacher meeting Powerpoint for parents

Useful Websites / programs and apps for Reception 




Numberblocks - BBC Iplayer / YOUTUBE 


Alphablocks - BBC Iplayer / YOUTUBE  - Phonics 


white Rose 1 minute maths (App) 


Phonics meeting for parents October 2022

The children enjoyed learning about Diwali the festival of light. They all made their own diva light to take home.  

Family Mass


Thank you to all of the families that joined us to welcome reception into our school family. 


Our mission statement promise

Welcome to Reception September 2022


Welcome to all of our children and families who has joined reception class.

 The children have settled in really well. They have enjoyed exploring their new environment and learning new routines. 

The class page will keep you updated with interesting information, important updates and photos of life in the reception class.

Please do ensure you also check Tapestry and Twitter regularly for information on your child's learning and reminders.


Please do not hesitate to contact me with any worries, queries or concerns you may have and I will always be happy to discuss these with you.


Thank You 

Mrs Blow and the reception team. 


Reception Curriculum Plan

Reception Class 2021 - 2022 


Hello boys and girls and parents


Welcome to your Reception class page where you will find lots of interesting information, home learning opportunities, important updates and photos of our wonderful time at school. 

Please ensure you also check Tapestry and Twitter regularly for information on your child's learning and reminders. 


In addition, please do not hesitate to contact me with any worries, queries or concerns you may have and I will always be happy to discuss these with you. You can speak to me first thing in the morning as you drop you child off to school or alternatively contact the school office on 024 76227165.


Thank you, 

Mrs Roberts

Meet the Teacher Information 

Home Learning Websites - Phonics and Reading

Below are some helpful videos to support parents with own understanding of phonics and how they can help their child best.

Home Learning - Religious Education

Home Learning Week Beginning 17th January 2022 - Please follow the links in the pdf. You can upload any work done at home on Tapestry for staff to view. Thank you. 


Welcome Mass 

On Sunday 3rd September, Nursery and Reception were welcomed into the school community during the blessing of the school year mass. During the family mass, the children and their families represented their school by wearing their uniform and reading the readings of the day and the bidding prayers. The children when decorated the prayer tree to show their love and commitment to their new class. The children behaved beautifully and sang their hearts out to ‘He’s got the whole world in his hands’. 

Healthy Living Week 

The children have been learning the importance of how to keep clean and healthy. They have been;

Cleaning dolls in the water tray, scrubbing their bodies, washing their hair and brushing their teeth, 

Taking part in exercises classes and noticing the effects on their bodies, 

Learning all about how to brush their teeth abs take care of them, 

Listening  to the school nurses about why it is so important to wash their hands, 

Exploring how to make healthy food choices and taste lots of delicious fruits 


Celebrating Diwali 

In Reception the children have been learning all about the special Hindu festival of light – Diwali.

The children were immersed into the celebration by learning about Hinduism and their New Year celebrations. The children took part in the following activities:

  • Designing and making clay divas
  • Drawing their own mehndi patterns on templates
  • Creating Rangoli patterns
  • Reading and acting out the story of Rama and Sita
  • Reading story books about Diwali and watching ‘A Child’s Eye View’ about Diwali  
  • Reading the story ‘The Runaway Chapati’ and tasting festival food
  • Learning Diwali poses and moves during PE

Cinema Trip 

Reception have started to tick off their activity passports in by taking a trip to their local cinema to watch ‘Shaun the Sheep Movie’ as part of the ‘Into Film Festival’. The children walked to the Odeon from school and looked around at the all the features a cinema has including the ticket desks and popcorn machines. The children themselves enjoyed some sweet and salty popcorn and drink. They all followed the usual cinema etiquette by watching the film quietly and laughed at all the funny parts. What a lovely afternoon smiley

Reception Wedding 

The children have been learning about people who care for them and who love and care for each other. Within their unit, they have been learning about the sacrament of marriage and what better way to learn all about than to have a wedding role play smiley

Week Beginning 5th July 2021

Good morning, boys and girls, mums and dads! 

Thank you for all your hard work last week. I hope you are now enjoying your freedom and are looking forward to coming back to school on Thursday. On Thursday please come dressed in your PE kits are normal. 

Your home learning timetable is in the document below. 

Please note there are extra live zoom sessions this week. Every day at 11.30am with Mrs Roberts and on Tuesday at 1.30pm a live zoom dance lesson with Miss Waterworth smiley

Good luck with your last three days of home learning - I know you can do it heart

Home Learning - Week Beginning 28th June 2021

Hello boys and girls. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are enjoying the additional time at home. This week I have set lots of home learning to keep your brains busy. See the pdf below. 

 Please share what you complete with me on Tapestry so I can see all your hard work. 

Live lessons each day will begin on Tuesday 29th June - please see what time your lesson is on Tapestry. 

Take care and stay safe smiley

Home Learning Week Beginning 17th May 

Your child has been given new next step packs. Please work on your child's targets at home and read their reading book/oxford owl online ebook with them everyday. 

This week we will be focusing on the story book 'The smartest giant in town'. Please follow the link below to read the book.


This week set up your own clothes shop role play (see pictures below for ideas). Use 1ps to practise counting with money and making amounts and totals. 


Writing Activity Book: Please complete any four pages of the workbook and practise writing your surname from memory. 

Phonics Activity Book Please complete any four pages from the pages 2 - 12. In addition, use your mini green Read Write Inc book and choose three letters to complete. Then go on a sound hunt around your house to find things beginning with those sounds and then see if you can write some CVC words (words with three sounds in) or CVVC words (words with four sounds in) with that sound in. Finally, practise the high frequency word flash cards you have in your envelope and have a go at writing them too. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Please complete any four pages

Maths Activity Book: Please complete 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 and 17. 


Please also complete one of your remote learning activities (document linked below) and choose any five TTS activities

Role Play Ideas

Home Learning Week Beginning 17th May 

Your child has been given new next step packs. Please work on your child's targets at home and read their reading book/oxford owl online ebook with them everyday. 


We have been focusing on the story book 'The Great Pet Sale'. Please follow the link below to read the book.


This week set up your own vets role play (see picture below for ideas)

or make a shop role play of any theme (see pictures below for ideas). Use 1ps to practise counting with money and making amounts and totals. 


Writing Activity Book: Please complete any four pages of the workbook and practise writing your surname from memory. 

Phonics Activity Book Please complete any four pages from the pages 2 - 12. In addition, use your mini green Read Write Inc book and choose three letters to complete. Then go on a sound hunt around your house to find things beginning with those sounds and then see if you can write some CVC words (words with three sounds in) or CVVC words (words with four sounds in) with that sound in. Finally, practise the high frequency word flash cards you have in your envelope and have a go at writing them too. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Please complete any four pages

Maths Activity Book: Please complete 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 and 17. 


Please also complete one of your remote learning activities (document linked below) and choose any five TTS activities. 

Home Learning Week Beginning 10th May 

This week your child is being given new next step packs. Please work on your child's targets at home and read their reading book/oxford owl online ebook with them everyday. 


We are focusing on the story book 'The Great Pet Sale'. Please follow the link below to read the book. In connection with the book this week we are learning all about pets and money. 


This week set up your own vets role play (see picture below for ideas)

or make a shop role play of any theme (see pictures below for ideas). Use 1ps to practise counting with money and making amounts and totals. 


Writing Activity Book: Please complete any four pages of the workbook and practise writing your surname from memory. 

Phonics Activity Book Please complete any four pages from the pages 2 - 12. In addition, use your mini green Read Write Inc book and choose three letters to complete. Then go on a sound hunt around your house to find things beginning with those sounds and then see if you can write some CVC words (words with three sounds in) or CVVC words (words with four sounds in) with that sound in. Finally, practise the high frequency word flash cards you have in your envelope and have a go at writing them too. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Please complete any four pages

Maths Activity Book: Please complete 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 and 17. 


Please also complete one of your remote learning activities (document linked below) and choose any five TTS activities. 

Home Learning Week Beginning 4th May 

This week your child is being given new next step packs. Please work on your child's targets at home and read their reading book/oxford owl online ebook with them everyday. 


We are focusing on the story book Jack and the Beanstalk so please read this story to them (or use the You Tube links provided) and follow the ideas in the images below too. 


Writing Activity Book: Please complete any four pages of the workbook and practise writing your surname from memory. 

Phonics Activity Book Please complete any four pages from the pages 2 - 12. In addition, use your mini green Read Write Inc book and choose three letters to complete. Then go on a sound hunt around your house to find things beginning with those sounds and then see if you can write some CVC words (words with three sounds in) or CVVC words (words with four sounds in) with that sound in. Finally, practise the high frequency word flash cards you have in your envelope and have a go at writing them too. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Please complete pages 6, 8, 18, 20 and 22. 

Maths Activity Book: Please complete pages 4, 6, 8, 20 and 30.


Please also complete one of your remote learning activities (document linked below) and choose any five TTS activities. 

Home Learning - Week Beginning 19th April

Please continue to work on your child's next steps pack at home and read their reading book/oxford owl online ebook with them. 


We are focusing on the story book Jack and the Beanstalk so please read this story to them (or use the You Tube links provided) and follow the ideas in the images below too. 


Writing Activity Book: Please complete any four pages of the workbook and practise writing your surname from memory. 

Phonics Activity Book Please complete any four pages from the pages 2 - 12. In addition, use your mini green Read Write Inc book and choose three letters to complete. Then go on a sound hunt around your house to find things beginning with those sounds and then see if you can write some CVC words (words with three sounds in) or CVVC words (words with four sounds in) with that sound in. Finally, practise the high frequency word flash cards you have in your envelope and have a go at writing them too. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Please complete pages 6, 8, 18, 20 and 22. 

Maths Activity Book: Please complete pages 4, 6, 8, 20 and 30.


Please also complete one of your remote learning activities (document linked below) and choose any five TTS activities. 

Home Learning - Week Beginning 29th March

Please continue to work on your child's next steps pack at home and read their reading book/oxford owl online ebook with them everyday. 


This week is Holy Week. Please use a children's bible and read the story of Palm Sunday, The Last Supper and Good Friday. 

Also follow the links below for You Tube video links. 


Writing Activity Book: Please complete any four pages of the workbook and practise writing your surname from memory. 

Phonics Activity Book Please complete any four pages from the pages 2 - 12. In addition, use your mini green Read Write Inc book and choose three letters to complete. Then go on a sound hunt around your house to find things beginning with those sounds and then see if you can write some CVC words (words with three sounds in) or CVVC words (words with four sounds in) with that sound in. Finally, practise the high frequency word flash cards you have in your envelope and have a go at writing them too. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Please complete pages 6, 8, 18, 20 and 22. 

Maths Activity Book: Please complete pages 4, 6, 8, 20 and 30.


Please also complete one of your remote learning activities (document linked below) and choose any five TTS activities. 

Home Learning - Week Beginning 22nd March

Please continue to work on your child's next steps pack at home and read their reading book/oxford owl online ebook with them everyday. 


Writing Activity Book: Please complete any four pages of the workbook and practise writing your surname from memory. 

Phonics Activity Book Please complete any four pages from the pages 2 - 12. In addition, use your mini green Read Write Inc book and choose three letters to complete. Then go on a sound hunt around your house to find things beginning with those sounds and then see if you can write some cvc words (sounds with three words in) with that sound in. Finally, practise the high frequency word flash cards you have in your envelope and have a go at writing them too. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Please complete pages 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22

Maths Activity Book: Please complete pages 10, 11, 16, 17, 18 and 19.


Please also complete one of your remote learning activities (document linked below) and choose any five TTS activities. 

Home Learning - Week Beginning 15th March

Please continue to work on your child's next steps pack at home and read their reading book/oxford owl online ebook with them. 


Writing Activity Book: Please complete any four pages of the workbook and practise writing your surname from memory. 

Phonics Activity Book Please complete any four pages from the pages 2 - 12. In addition, use your mini green Read Write Inc book and choose three letters to complete. Then go on a sound hunt around your house to find things beginning with those sounds and then see if you can write some cvc words (sounds with three words in) with that sound in. Finally, practise the high frequency word flash cards you have in your envelope and have a go at writing them too. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Please complete pages 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22

Maths Activity Book: Please complete pages 10, 11, 16, 17, 18 and 19.


Please also complete one of your remote learning activities (document linked below) and choose any five TTS activities. 

Home Learning - Week Beginning 8th March

Please continue to work on your child's next steps pack at home and read their reading book/oxford owl online ebook with them. 


Writing Activity Book: Please complete four pages of the workbook. 

Phonics Activity Book Please complete any four pages from the pages 2 - 12. In addition, use your mini green Read Write Inc book and choose three letters to complete. Then go on a sound hunt around your house to find things beginning with those sounds. Finally, practise the high frequency word flash cards you have in your envelope and have a go at writing them too. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Please complete pages 6 - 10 if you have not already. If you have completed these pages please choose any four of these pages - 12 - 19

Maths Activity Book: Please complete pages 2, 3, 22, 25 and 30 if you have not done already. If you have completed these pages please choose any four of these pages - 8, 9, 18, 19, 28, 29. 


Please also complete one of your remote learning activities (document linked below) and choose any five TTS activities. 

New Plans for Home Learning - Spring Term 2

Hello girls and boys. I hope you all had a lovely half term holiday and looking forward to Spring being just around the corner. 

You all worked so hard last term I am really looking forward to seeing more of your efforts over these coming weeks.


Each Tuesday at 10.30 we will have our weekly Zoom lesson. Please check Tapestry for the meeting login details. 


Parents, below is updated expectations for your child's home learning. 


Your child’s home learning tasks will be uploaded weekly here, on to the class page, of the website for you to complete. This will include online links to web pages. 

The children who are attending school will also be completing the same lessons.

It is vital that your child takes part in as many lessons as possible. 


All children have all been given a pack with their next steps highlighted and additional activities to support, resources for home learning lessons, five school reading books. If you have finished all the reading books it is essential that you create an Oxford Owl account online to access the free phonic books for your child. I will link the how to document below. 


In addition to this work your child needs to:

  • Take part in daily Set 1 or Set 2 Phonic Read Write Inc lessons (as directed on Tapestry)
  • A Literacy lesson delivered by an Oak National Academy teacher or a pre recorded lesson by Mrs Roberts (resources needed are shared are the start of the lesson)
  • A Maths lesson delivered by an Oak National Academy teacher (resources needed are shared are the start of the lesson)
  • A RE/Theme activity given by Mrs Roberts 

On Tapestry Mrs Roberts will upload keeping in touch videos and all EYFS staff will upload a story time video each week.

Post your child’s work and engagement with home learning on to tapestry daily. All staff will like, reply and comment to support your home learning.

If you need further support please send a message on Tapestry. 

This will be a different way of learning but school is always there to support you in anyway. 


Take care, Mrs Roberts smiley

Week Beginning 1st March 2021

Good morning Reception - Happy 1st of March and happy last week of home schooling. Here are your tasks for this week. Do not forget our final zoom lesson on Tuesday 10.30am and please remember to return just your reading books to school before Friday please. Thank you and good luck for this week.

Take care, Mrs Roberts smiley

Week Beginning 22nd February 2021

Week Beginning 8th February 2021

Well done everyone you had made it to the final week of the Spring 1 term...and what a term it has been. At the start of this year we did not expect to be in lockdown and teaching remotely but you have all been brilliant. We have one more week to keep going and working hard until we get to have a nice relaxing break for half term...and time to enjoy Shrove Tuesday and prepare for Ash Wednesday!


As I have done on previous weeks, I will share a weekly prayer time for you to do as a family on Tapestry.  


I am looking forward to our Zoom call again on Tuesday. Please check Tapestry for the meeting details and give yourself plenty of time to log in. 


There are a few changes to the home learning this week. Please read below: 

1. Some children will be taking part in some new Read, Write, Inc lessons and will begin learning their Set 2 sounds (very exciting). You will be notified on Tapestry if your child is to swop from Set 1 sound lessons to Set 2 sound lesson. 

2. There are four literacy lessons from Oak National Academy this week (please check what number lesson to do) and then I will be prerecording a lesson for Friday. 

3. Maths this week is all about shapes and position, so a nice change from number lessons. If you have 2D/3D Home learning tasks sheets in your packs you may want to use these alongside the lessons smiley


Finally, you will see on Twitter that we are taking art in the 'Go Parks Active School Challenge'. So, if you are out and about at the park find the Go Parks banner, scan the QR code (using your camera on your phone), enter in St Osburg's and win our school lots of points for prizes yes


Take Care, 

Mrs Roberts 

Week Beginning 1st February 2021

Happy 1st of February girls and boys! Well done for completing a whole four weeks of home learning. I know things are strange at the moment but each week as we work that little bit harder we are getting closer to getting back to school. I am very excited this week as  we are having our first virtual Zoom meeting. On Tuesday the session will begin at 10.30 so please give yourself plenty of time to log on to Zoom. I look forward to seeing lots of your faces smiley


This week is Children's Mental Health week, so Wednesday is a well being day. Please see the plan linked below the day's learning experiences. 


As we know we are still in lockdown until at least 8th March, I would like all parents to create an Oxford Owl online account so your child can continue to read more phonic books everyday. In the document below, it tells you what to do and the books that are suitable for Reception children. 


In addition to this, I have made a 'how to' for accessing the maths worksheets for the online lessons. If you do not have access to a printer and feel your child needs a hard copy of the materials please let me know. 


If you need any further help please send a message on Tapestry. 


Thank you

Mrs Roberts 

Home Learning - Week Beginning 25th January 

Happy Monday Girls and Boys!

I hope you had a lovely snowy weekend and played out in the winter wonderland we were gifted with yesterday. I had lots of fun. I went for a walk in the snow (I even had a snowball fight) and came home to a warm fire and big cup of tea.  

Below is the document with all your home learning for this week. From speaking to all parents last week and listening to what is and isn't working, I have slightly adapted the lesson format to hopefully to be more manageable smiley

I wish you all a great week and to keep an eye out in the post for something that will be delivered this week! 

Mrs Roberts 

Home Learning - Week Beginning 18th January 

Hello Reception children and parents,

I hope you have had a nice relaxing weekend after all of your hard work last week. All the staff are keeping a track of your efforts on Tapestry and you are making us feel very proud. We are still choosing a 'worker of the week' which is being shared on both Twitter and Tapestry, so keep going, keep trying your best and keep learning smiley


Reading Books

Parents, to keep a record of the children's reading, every week I need to see your child reading your reading book. Please record your child reading their book. You can of course still help your child with their reading as you film. 


Below are your home learning tasks for the week. If you need any assistance with the learning please send a message on tapestry. 


Good luck and stay safe,

Mrs Roberts 

Home Learning - Week Beginning 11th January 

Hello Reception and Mums and Dads, 

I am glad that so many of you managed to all have a go at getting into the swing of home learning last week. It has been lovely to see your work on Tapestry - thank you for your engagement. 


This week follows a different format which is detailed above. Click on the pdf link below to take you to this week's tasks. You all have a yellow exercise book to keep your work together and to write in everyday. You also have your next steps, reading and challenge to work on too. 

I will be in touch over the week. Please remember school is open to call and you can message me on Tapestry. 


Good luck and take care, 

Mrs Roberts 


Home Learning - Week Beginning 4th January 

Happy New Year to our children and families. We all hope you had a lovely and relaxing Christmas. Here are the home learning activities - Please upload your child's work on to Tapestry. 


Please work on your child's new targets in their next step folders (collected/sent week beginning 5.1.2021). 


Writing activity book: Complete any four chosen pages

Phonic activity book: Complete any four pages from p2-p12. In addition, use your Read Write Inc mini green book and choose three letters to complete. In addition, practise your high frequency flash cards in your white envelope. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern activity book: Complete any four pages from p12-p19. 

Maths activity book: Complete pages 2, 3, 22, 25 and 30 if you haven't already. If you have completed those pages please complete pages 8, 9, 18 and 28. 


This week we are celebrating the feast of the The Epiphany - when the three wise men came to visit baby Jesus. 

Read the Christmas story again and focus on this part. Take some inspiration from below and make your own Epiphany picture or art work. 

Welcome to Reception's Class Page


Our page is going to be a very important tool for us to keep up to date academically this year.


If your child off school but is well and awaiting test results for themselves or a family member, isolating due to a close contact having a positive Covid-19 test, school bubble closure or wider closures of schools, your child's home learning tasks will be uploaded on to the class page. 


Here is our Meet the teacher and Curriculum Welcome Meeting Information.  In 'normal' circumstances we would host the meeting in school but unfortunately due to the restrictions we have added a power point presentation for you to read through.


If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to ring the school office and I will get back to you.

Week Beginning 5th October - Home Learning 

Please complete pages:

2, 3, 4, 5 - Colour, Shape and Pattern Book Activity Book

2 and 3 - Maths Activity Book 

2 and 3 - Writing Activity Book 


Also remember to choose five activities from the TTS booklet and ensure you read with your child every day. 

Home Learning - Week Beginning 19th October

Phonics book pages 2, 3, 4 and 5

Writing book pages 4, 5, 6 and 7

Colours, Shape and Pattern book pages 14, 15, 16, and 17 

Maths book pages 2, 3 and 30 


Please make sure to read your child’s reading book every night and do the activities on the book mark. As a class we are also reading Handa's Surprise, Handa’s Nosiy Night and Handa’s Hen. You can access these books on you tube. 


Dont forget get you also have your TTS Exciting Learning Opportunities book at home too. 


Home Learning - Week Beginning 2nd November 

Maths Activity book: Pages 24 and 25, plus go on a 2d shape hunt around your house. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Pages 6, 7, 8 and 9 

Writing Activity book: Pages 6, 7, 8 and 9, plus practise writing your name. 

Phonics Activity book: Pages 6, 7, 8 and 9 


Please also complete one of the remote tasks set for you (document linked above) and choose five activities from your TTS booklet. 


This week in school the children are writing lists so why not help your child to write a shopping list for you. 


Additionally we will be starting a new key text 'Room on the Broom'. Please read this story at home and supplement with other stories such as Winnie the witch, Meg and Mog, What's in the Witch's Kitchen and Pumpkin Soup (if you do not have a copy of these texts they can be found on you tube). 

Home Learning Week Beginning 9th November 

On Friday 6th November each child was given their next steps packs. Please continue to work on these at home. 


Writing Activity Book: Pages 14, 15, 16, and 17, plus practising to write you name from memory. 

Phonics Activity Book: Pages 10 and 11, plus go on an initial sound hunt around your house and collect items for your set 1 sounds (use your sound mat to help you). 

Maths Activity Book: Pages 4 and 5, then 8 and 9. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Pages 10, 11 (cut and make the game), 12 and 13. 


On Wednesday it is Remembrance Day. Follow the link below to begin your discussion about the special day. 

Can you make your own poppy? 


Please also complete one of the remote tasks set for you (document linked above) and choose any of the five activities from your TTS booklet. 

Week Beginning 16th November 

Please continue to work on your child's next steps pack at home. 


Writing Activity Book: Pages 18, 19, 20 

Phonics Activity Book: Pages If you haven't completed pages 2-6 please go back and do these. In addition use your mini RWI letter formation to practise three letters and then look for things around your house/online that begin with that sound - post on tapestry what your found. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Pages 16, 17 and 22 

Maths Activity Activity Book: Pages If you haven't completed pages 2, 3, 8 and 9 please go back and do them. In addition, this week in school we are learning all about measuring and in particular length. Find an object in your home and find things that are longer /taller or shorter -post on Tapestry what you find. 


Please also complete one your remote learning tasks set for you (document linked above) and choose any of the five activities from TTS booklet. 


Over the weekend it has been the festival of Diwali. Teach your child about what this celebration is all about. Use the link below to help you. 

Week Beginning 23rd November 

Please continue to work on your child's next steps pack at home. 


Writing Activity Book: Pages, If you haven't completed pages 2-7 please go back and do these. In addition please practise your child's name and letter formation following the Read Write Inc rhymes. 

Phonics Activity Book: Pages If you haven't completed pages 2-6 please go back and do these. In addition use your mini RWI letter formation to practise three letters and then look for things around your house/online that begin with that sound - post on tapestry what your found. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Pages . We are learning about repeated patterns this week. She what patterns you can create. 

Maths Activity Activity Book: Pages If you haven't completed pages 2, 3, 8 and 9 please go back and do them. In addition, please practise number formation with your child follow the number formation sheet given in your resource pack at the start of the year. 


Please also complete one your remote learning tasks set for you (document linked above) and choose any of the five activities from TTS booklet. 


We are focusing on rhyme this week. Therefore, reading simple rhyming books or playing rhyming games or chants will help their learning at home. See below for some ideas. 

Week Beginning 30th November 2020 


Please continue to work on your child's next steps pack at home and read their library book and reading book with them. 


Writing Activity Book: If you haven't yet completed pages 8-11 please go back and do these or four other pages. In addition, please complete some name writing practise and letter formation practise using the Read Write Inc Rhymes 

Phonics Activity Book:  If you haven't yet completed pages 2-6 please go back and do these or four other pages. In addition, please use your green mini Read Write Inc book and choose three letters to complete. Then go on a sound hunt around your house or look for pictures online for things beginning with those letters. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Pages 14 - 17

Maths Activity Book: Pages 18 and 19, In addition, please practise number formation with your child ad follow the number rhymes given to you in your resource pack at the start of the year.  


We are continuing to learn more about rhyming this week. If you have some rhyming books at home, read these to your child and see if they can join in with the missing rhyming words. Also, follow the links below and read the online stories with your child to support their understanding of rhyme. 

Advent began on Sunday 29th November. We are beginning our Advent journey in school so please talk to your child about how we get ourselves ready for Jesus coming on Christmas day. Please use the links below to help your child understand the season of Advent and learn the Christmas Story. 

Week Beginning 7th December 

Please continue to work on your child's next steps pack at home and read their library book and reading book with them. 


Writing Activity Book: Please complete four pages of the workbook. 

Phonics Activity Book Please complete any four pages from the pages 2 - 12. In addition, use your mini green Read Write Inc book and choose three letters to complete. Then go on a sound hunt around your house to find things beginning with those sounds. Finally, practise the high frequency word flash cards you have in your envelope and have a go at writing them too. 

Colour, Shape and Pattern Activity Book: Please complete pages 6 - 10 if you have not already. If you have completed these pages please choose any four of these pages - 12 - 19

Maths Activity Book: Please complete pages 2, 3, 22, 25 and 30 if you have not done already. If you have completed these pages please choose any four of these pages - 8, 9, 18, 19, 28, 29. 


Please also complete one of your remote learning activities (document linked below) and choose any five TTS activities. 

This week in school the children are writing their letters to Santa. If your child as not yet wrote their letter to Santa, help them use their sounds, tricky words and high frequency words to write a message for Father Christmas. 

To support their letter work read the stories below all about writing letters. 

Handa’s Surprise 🥭🥑🍍🍌

Over the last couple of weeks the children have been reading ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and other related story books. The children have been using the globe, learning about safari animals and introduced to different cultures. Today the children enjoyed a fruit tasting session linked to the story. They were all encouraged to taste the range of fruits and describe how they tasted. There was lots of exciting words such as sour, tangy, creamy, sweet, squidgy and soft. Well done boys and girls 

Reception Wedding 

The children have been learning about people who care for them and who love and care for each other. Within their unit, they have been learning about the sacrament of marriage and what better way to learn all about than to have a wedding role play smiley

Advent and Christmas Prayer Stations

The children took part in our special inspire workshop afternoon and joined in with the activities at the different prayer stations.  

Getting ready - Preparing our Hearts 

Nativity story - Pass the parcel 

Jesus' Gifts - Being Thankful 

Special babies - Children of God

Advent Wreath Reflection 


Read Write Inc Schedule and Help for Parents 

Read Write Inc Timetable 


Daily lessons will be available at 9.30am 

All lessons are available on You Tube for 24 hours. 

All filmed lessons will be in separate categories on the You Tube channel so you can select the appropriate lesson.  

Reading makes the world go round - Reading Challenge

My daily walk - awakening your senses

EYFS Learning Experiences grid - fun learning experiences to enjoy as a family

Oak National Academy 

Read Write Inc Lessons


Timetable for Home Learning

Non-Screen Activities

Websites for Home Learning Online

Websites to Keep Moving and Keep Fit
