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The Gingerbread Man

This is one of our favourite key texts in nursery and we have enjoyed pretending to be different characters to act the story out. We even made our own delicious Gingerbread biscuits but luckily they didn't run away before we could eat them. Yum Yum!

Run, Run as fast as you can!

Spring is here at last!

We have been waiting excitedly  for the signs of spring in our outdoor environment so we went on a spring hunt to find all the new life. We found lots of new buds and blossom growing along with lots of colourful spring flowers. We have enjoyed learning about growing our own sunflower by planting seeds and watering them.

Welcome to the world new chicks! Our chicks are beginning to hatch.

Our 10 living eggs arrived on Monday 22nd February and we have been looking after them carefully inside the warm incubator. We are waiting very patiently for them to hatch....hurry up little chicks! Cheep cheep!

Nursery Wheelathon

We had a very busy morning pushing, wheeling and riding our scooters, bikes and prams around the playground. We completed so many laps that we lost count!! When we came back inside we had a delicious cup of hot chocolate, cream and marshmallows to warm us up..yum yumsmiley Thank you for all the sponsor money that has been raised so far...we will soon be able to order lots of new resources for our indoor and outdoor environments.

Chinese New Year

We have been learning all about the festival of Chinese New Year. We dressed up in Chinese clothes, made monkey masks and decorated lanterns. We even had our very own Chinese banquet of delicious noodles, spring rolls and prawn crackers.

Beautiful Cross Made By Nursery Class Hands

Welcome Back! We hope you all had an exciting Christmas holiday. Now that the weather is getting colder we have been learning all about the season of Winter. We have been on a winter walk in the soggy mud, collected twigs and hunted for leaves on the trees. We made sure we wrapped up cosy and warm too!

Nursery Party and a special visitor......

We had a Christmas party and a special visit from Santa who was so impressed with all the fantastic children at St Osburg's Nursery that he brought two sacks of presents. We had a great morning eating yummy party food, dancing, playing games and chatting to Santa about how busy he is at the moment. Thank you for making time to visit us Santa!

Nursery Christmas Performance 'Marching In the Snow'

The nursery children wore their pjs and winter hats to performs lots of Christmas themed actions songs. They all worked really hard to learn the words and remember the actions and made their teachers and families very proud. Well Done Nursery - you were amazing!no We hope there will be lots of snow soon so we can carry on marching....

Christmas Craftiness

We had a fantastic morning with our Mummies and Daddies creating sparkly Christmas wreaths and crowns.

Enjoying our hot chocolate and marshmallows.....yum yum!!

Nursery Rhyme week

In November we had a Nursery Rhyme Week and had great fun learning lots of different action rhymes. We painted and made 3D Incy Wincy spiders and even sat Humpty Dumpty safely on the wall.

Bonfire Night Celebrations

We have been learning about how to stay safe while we are enjoying all the fireworks and bonfire parties. We created firework pictures, dressed up as fire-fighters, made our own rockets and even used a real sparkler outside creating our own shapes in the air.

All the nursery children have been having lots of fun making new friends and settling well into life at St. Osburg's Nursery. They have been enjoying lots of different activities together. 

Mrs Gee, Miss West and Mrs Mc Gonigle are excited about visiting all the new Nursery children and their parents during their home visits, which are all due to take place over the next two weeks. If you have forgotten what date and time you selected, please contact the school office to confirm your appointment. smiley

Welcome to Nursery Class!

The Nursery staff will very soon be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we’ve done and more.


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your us know!


Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
