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Home Learning w/c March 22nd

Home Learning Thursday 25th 2021

English: Today, finish writing up your first draft, use the editing stations to review & edit your work, and then write your work up in bes. This is your assessment piece so it must be brought into school.

Maths: Spend 25 minutes on Daily 10 and Timestable Rockstars.

RE: Read the attached PowerPoint on Examination of Conscience & complete the sheet attached.

Home Learning Wednesday 24th March

Maths: Complete the arithmetic paper attached.

English: Carry on with writing your first draft of the narrative.

RE: Wednesday's activities from the Lenten PowerPoint on pilgrimages. 

Home Learning Tuesday March 23rd


Maths: Complete the arithmetic paper attached. (Bring it back to school with you for marking)

English: During this week, we will be planning and writing the Wonder story from Julian's perspective. Spend one day planning, one day writing, one day editing (checking that all spelling, punctuation, grammar is correct, that your story flows, that each sentence has a purpose), and the final day writing up in best acting on your edits.

Read through the narrative PowerPoint before you begin. Read the pages of Wonder that have been uploaded on previous English lessons to refresh your memory. 

RE: Complete Tuesday's activities on the Lenten PowerPoint

Home Learning Monday March 22nd

RE: Monday's activities from the Lenten PowerPoint week 5

This week is assessment week.

Maths: Complete the Reasoning paper attached. (either print it out or complete on paper and bring back to class for marking)

English: Complete Progress Test 1 pg 40-43 in your workbook. 
