Monday 28.06.21 English
Any 2 pages of the English workbook.
R.E. Monday 28.06.21
Today the children will be looking at the Mass.
Can you write three bidding prayers- one for the priests, one for school and one for anything that is happening in the world.
English 29.06.21
Any 2 pages of the English workbook.
Science Tuesday 29.06.21
Today the children are making some tasty fruit kebabs- can you have a go at home? If you can't make a fruit kebab try a fruit salad or try designing a yummy fruit kebab that you would like to try.
English 30.06.21
Any 2 pages from the English workbook.
Thursday 01.07.21 Maths
Any two pages from the workbook.
Thursday 01.07.21 English
Any two pages from the workbook.