Our school and parish church is dedicated to Coventry's local saint, St Osburg, who was sent to Coventry to teach people about God and who founded a nunnery which was reportedly the first settlement in the city. Refounded by Leofric and Godiva in 1043 after it's destruction by the Vikings, Osburg's monastery grew into the city's first Cathedral of St Mary, and her shrine was venerated and became a place of pilgrimage throughout the Middle Ages.
Our church and primary school in Coventry, both built in the nineteenth century, are named in honour of St Osburg.
St Osburg’s official feast day according to the Catholic Church is 30 March but it is celebrated on 9th September at St Osburg's, the day the church was dedicated in 1845. She is the only Coventry saint and St Osburg's church and school are the only ones named after her in the whole world!
Our Journey In Faith
Christ is at the centre of everything we do here at St Osburg’s Catholic Primary School. Our Mission Statement and The Gospel values are interwoven through the whole curriculum and the Catholic ethos permeates the whole school environment. We want to develop a deep understanding of the Catholic faith so that when our children leave us, they are able to bear witness to Christ and take up their own calling.
Our school follows the curriculum strategy – Learning and Growing as the People of God - provided by the Archdiocese of Birmingham for teaching RE in a Catholic primary school. There is a strong Sacramental focus in each year group. In Year 3 children are prepared to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion and in Year 5 and 6 pupils continue on their journey of faith by preparing for Confirmation. We have close links with our feeder school Cardinal Newman who organise and lead retreat days and celebration masses.
Father Sunday & Father Pontius, our parish priests, celebrates mass with us fortnightly. Each class has the opportunity to lead the school celebration throughout the year. Our pupils are offered a variety of different opportunities to engage in differing prayer experiences and in varied settings. We come together for other acts of worship such as weekly mission assemblies, celebration assemblies and class liturgy and Family masses. We also hold an Advent carol service in the church, take part in the Blessing of the Crib in the city centre and support Coventry Catholic Schools’ masses such as the Vocations Mass and joint retreats.
In addition to the diocesan strategy, our pupils learn about the lives of the Saints, Catholic social teaching and actions, formal and informal ways to pray, our half termly Virtue focus and we also explore key festivals of other world religions seeking to support the children in learning about other faiths.
The Christian values of our school and our Mission permeate the whole curriculum. This is supported by our Chaplaincy Team who are trained to support the faith life of the school through their service.
Our Relationships, Sex and Health education (RSHE) is carefully planned to ensure that as well as meeting all statutory requirements, it is fully rooted in the teachings of the Church and we follow the Diocesan recommended scheme TenTen's 'Life to the Full'.
The beautiful St Osburg’s church, next door to school is accessible to all pupils not just to celebrate mass and other Sacraments and services but to visit in order to enhance the RE curriculum. In addition, visits take place annually to St Chad’s Cathedral (Y6) and our Diocesan Retreat centre - Alton Castle(Y5).
We strive to develop a Jesus-centred teaching and learning environment in which a broad and balanced curriculum is delivered
We reach out to touch the lives of those in need by fund - raising for recognised charities – home and abroad and through involvement in projects answering need.