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Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors' section. 




The Governing Body of St Osburg’s School is made up of volunteers who are passionate about ensuring that our pupils get the very best start in their foundation and primary education. It consists of seven foundation governors appointed by the diocese, two parent governors, one LA governor, one staff governor and the headteacher.



As the Governing Body of a Catholic school our overreaching responsibility lies in ensuring the promoting of a Catholic ethos at all times. Coupled with this the safety, health and well-being of our pupils is paramount.

The three core functions of the Governing Body are:

1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils,and for the internal organisation, management and control of the school, including the performance and management of staff.

3. Overseeing the finances of the school and ensuring money is well spent.


It is very important that governors actively support and strongly challenge the headteacher and have a thorough understanding of the vision and strategic development of the school.

We work very closely with the headteacher, who is also a member of the Governing Body, and have a termly monitoring schedule which involves visits to the school. Each governor is assigned to a particular year group which enables regular contact with both staff members and pupils. At the end of the academic year the Governing Body holds exit interviews with all Year 6 pupils with the purpose of getting  ‘feedback’ of their experience at our school.

As governors of St. Osburg’s School we acknowledge that we are in the privileged position of helping to develop and form the citizens of tomorrow.



Lord God, we ask for your blessing and support in all the responsibilities we bear as governors of St.Osburg’s school. May we reach our decisions prompted by a desire to serve. May we be guided by your Holy Spirit in all our deliberations. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Maggie Green - Chair & Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocese (Resources, Catholic Ethos & Pay Review Committee)

Eveline Lappin - Vice Chair & Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocese (Resources & Pay Review Committee)  

Catherine Wilson - Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocese (Quality & Standards Committee & Catholic Ethos Committee)

Martin Jenkinson - Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocese (Quality and Standards Committee)

Lucia Chiponde- Parent Governor, elected by the parents (Ethos Committee)

David Nowells - Parent Governor, elected by the parents (Resources Committee)

Helena Carey - Staff Governor (Quality and Standards Committee)

Bronagh John - School Business Manager &  Observer/Associate Governor,  (Resources Committee)

Nicola Rynott - Head Teacher Governor, ex officio (appointed through position)

Rosie Coleman - Local Authority Governor, appointed by the LA  (Resources Committee)

Anne Collins - Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocese (Quality and Standards Committee)

Father Pontius Bandua - Foundation Governor (Catholic Ethos Committee, Quality & Standards)


All Governors and Associate members are required to complete a declaration of business interests form on an annual basis. This is kept at the school and can be provided on request.



Called to Serve
