Home Page

Year 1

Meeting Winnie the Therapy Dog

Charlie Cook's Favourite Book Drama Session

Phonics Screening Meeting


Websites and Apps to support your child







Jolly phonics

Hairy phonics

Pocket phonics

Pirate phonics 2



Handwriting and Word Search- Please write the words you find in the word search.

Welcome to year 1! (2023-24)

 We are very excited to begin our learning journey in Key Stage 1. We have some exciting learning opportunities ahead of us and I'm sure we will have a spectacular year together. Please remember to check Twitter so you can enjoy all the exciting moments in your child's learning journey. 

Here are some sites you can use to help in preparation for Year one's Phonic Screening Test.







Jolly phonics

Hairy phonics

Pocket phonics

Pirate phonics 2



Phonics Screening Parents' Meeting

Parents meeting September 22nd

Week beginning 17th January

Work for week beginning November 1st

September 2021 Class Information

Week beginning 14th June


Have a look on Twitter for our new challenge "Walking Wednesday"

Go for a walk.

Can you find one thing to match each letter of the alphabet?

Show your results on Seesaw.

A certificate for the best efforts.

(If Wednesday doesn't suit - choose another day! Strolling Sunday... Travelling Tuesday .... Moving Monday...)

Thursday 21st January

Tuesday 19th January

Monday 18th January

Friday 15th January

Thursday 14th January

PowerPoint to introduce weather topic

Dear Parents,


We have produced some packs to help you with working with your child at home.

Each pack has some materials to help children practice key skills as well as a pencil and lined exercise book to record daily work posted on the school website.

They can be collected from the school office from tomorrow.


Thank you


Year One Staff

RWI week beginning 11.01.21

Everyday the links in this section will be updated just after 9:30. These videos are from the RWI You Tube page. These videos are not uploaded until 9:30am and only last for 24 hours.


Tuesday 12.01.21

The link I am adding below is the You Tube link to the RWI You Tube page. On the homepage there will be 3 sections of videos. Set 3 videos for Mrs Adeyemi's, Miss Wood's and Mr Jordan's groups. Set 2 videos for Miss Howe's and Mrs Hollingswoth's groups. Set 1 videos for Mrs Blow's group. Please watch all videos for the appropriate set of sounds. Hopefully just adding this link will be easier for me to adapt each day as uploading all the videos individually yesterday took some time. Any issues with accessing these videos please email me on or Mrs Hollingsworth on


Thank you

Miss Doran

Tuesday !2th January

PowerPoint for Science Lesson

Monday 11th January


Good morning everyone.

I hope you have had a lovely weekend even though there are so many things we can't do at the moment. sad


Your teachers have been busy preparing work for this week for children in school and at home.

Each day we will put work on the website and some suggestions for games and activities you can do to keep your skills sharp.


We have loved seeing your work on Seesaw. Thank you for sharing with us. 

Last week all parents were given a code to log in Seesaw and there is a video on the school's Twitter showing you how  to get started. Please check your emails if you haven't seen this yet.


If you need any help we can be contacted on

Work for Monday 11th January

The Good Samaritan PowerPoint

Anytime Activities

Friday 8th January


Good morning Year One,


Isn't it cold? We hope you are all warm and safe.


Well it is the end of a very strange week. I hope you are getting used to working from home.

If you haven't done so yet we would love you to share what have been doing using Seesaw. (Check your emails for your code if you haven't seen it).


Here is your work for today 😁


Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will 'see you" next week.

Spring1.2.4 - Add ones using number bonds

This is "Spring1.2.4 - Add ones using number bonds" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

English / RE


Use the grid to compare the day you were born and the day Jesus was born.

Thursday 7th January


Good morning Year One.

We hope you and your families are all safe and well.

Yesterday you were sent a code to be able to share the work you have been doing on Seesaw.

There is a short instructional video on the school website (look in Twitter) to show you how to set up and use Seesaw.


To help you keep up with reading here is a free link to on line reading books. You just need to create an account


In Maths we are continuing practising adding using counting on

In English / RE we are still looking at and understanding the Christmas Story.



Spring1.2.3 - Add ones using number bonds

This is "Spring1.2.3 - Add ones using number bonds" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Good morning Year One,


We hope you are all well.


Here is your work for Wednesday 6th January.


You could start the day with an Andy's Wild Workout from CBeebies or a Cosmic yoga session from You Tube.


In maths we are continuing to practice addition to 20 using counting on.


For English we will continue to look at the Christmas story/


Don't forget to make some time to practice your reading, phonics and handwriting this week.



Spring1.2.2 - Add by counting on

This is "Spring1.2.2 - Add by counting on" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Read through the Christmas story.

Can you remember the sequence of the story?

Add a sentence to each picture to explain what happened.


Hello Year One,


We were so looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow and hearing about what you have been doing over your Christmas holidays. sad

We had lots of new and interesting things planned for this term and hope we can still share some of them with you online while we are in lockdown.

Parents, we will be setting work daily (English and Maths) and weekly (RE, Theme and Phonics) as well as activities to keep skills bubbling.

Thank you in advance for your support in helping your child. If you have any questions Year One staff can be contacted at

Hopefully we will all be back together in class soon. Please look after yourselves and keep safe.


Mrs. Hollingsworth and Miss Howes.



These are some useful websites that can be dipped into to keep skills sharp particularly spelling, phonics, maths and reading.

In addition children can continue to practice handwriting (remembering finger spaces, correctly forming upper and lower case letters, creating clear ascenders and descenders). 


Please continue to help your child with reading. This can be sharing a favourite book, talking about a familiar story, making up new characters or events in a story as well as practising decoding skills.

Maths for Tuesday 5th January

Spring1.2.1 - Add by counting on activity

An activity to help reinforce counting on mentally/

English for Tuesday 5th January

The annunciation

 Ask the children to close their eyes and imagine that they are in Mary’s house when the angel first came. Ask the children to imagine what the house looks like and what Mary is doing at the time. What expressions come on her face when the Angel Gabriel arrives? What does the angel look like? Imagine the angel speaking to her. What does the angel say and how does Mary respond? 

RWI for week beginning 05.01.21


Mrs Blow's group are recapping on all set 1 sounds. Use the videos to below and your speed sounds book to support.

Set 1- Lesson 1

A video to learn and revise the sounds: m,a,s,d,t

Set 1- Lesson 2

A lesson to learn and revise the sounds i, n, p, g, o

Set 1- Lesson 3

In this video we will learn and revise the set 1 sounds c, k, u and b

Set 1- Lesson 4

In this video we will learn and revise the Set 1 sounds f, e, l, h and sh.

Set 1 - Lesson 5

In this video, we will learn and revise the set 1 sounds: r, j, v, w, & y

Set 1 - Lesson 6

In this video we will learn and revise the set 1 sounds: th, z, ch & qu

Miss Howe's group are focusing on the sounds oo and ow. Watch the videos below and use your speed sounds book to support.

Set 2 Speed Sounds Lesson 4- ow

Set 2 Speed Sounds ow

Set 2 speed sounds Lesson 5- oo

Mrs Hollingsworth's groups are focusing on the oi and a-e sounds. Watch the videos below and use your speed sounds book to support.

Set 3 Lesson 2- oi

This video is about set 3 oi

Set 3 Lesson 3- a-e

This video is about set 3 a-e

Mr Jordan's group are focusing on the sounds ai and ow. Watch the videos below and use your speed sounds book to support.

Set 3 Lesson 12- ai

Set 3 Lesson 12- ai

Set 3 Lesson 11- ow

Set 3 Lesson 11- ow

Mrs Adeyemi's group are focusing on the cious and tious sounds. Watch the video below and your speed sounds book to support.

Set 3 Lesson 18- cious/tious

Set 3 Lesson 18- cious/tious

Wednesday 2nd December


Aut1.12.3 - Order groups of objects

This is "Aut1.12.3 - Order groups of objects" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Collins Targeted English Book p28 and 29

Challenge 1 and 2

Tuesday 1st December


Aut1.12.3 - Order groups of objects

This is "Aut1.12.3 - Order groups of objects" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



There are several videos on You Tube of the story being read including one by Father Christmas.

Enjoy listening to the story and pay special attention to the surprises.


Can you make a list of all the characters the postman visited in the correct order.

Monday 30th November 


Aut1.12.1 - Compare groups of objects

This is "Aut1.12.1 - Compare groups of objects" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



We have started a new story "The Jolly Christmas Postman "

Look at the picture and describe how he looks.

What do you think is going to happen?


Thursday 26th November 


Aut1.11.5 - Count one more one less

This is "Aut1.11.5 - Count one more one less" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Wednesday 25th November 


Aut1.11.3 - Tens and ones

This is "Aut1.11.3 - Tens and ones" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Yesterday we created a story plan for a new version of the Little Red Hen.

Today we are going to write the beginning part of the new story. 

First of all check your plan and remind yourself of the changes you made and what was going to happen.

Remember to write in sentences, beginning with a capital letter and finishing with a full stop. 

Use the sounds you know to work out spellings and have a go at the tricky words.

Don't try and write a whole story today.

Introduce the hen and what she wants to do and what happens when she asks her friends for help.




Tuesday 24th November 


Maths - Counting to 20



Aut1.11.2 - Numbers from 11 to 20

This is "Aut1.11.2 - Numbers from 11 to 20" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Look at the new Little red Hen story.

What is the same and what is different to the original story?

We will be writing a new story over  the next few days.

To begin with we are going to make a plan.

If Little Red Hen was going to make a chocolate cake what help would she need from her friends?

Draw pictures to help you tell your new story.

Week beginning Monday 23rd November

Theme: Choose an activity from the Toys TIC TAC TOE see below

RE: We have been talking about Prayer. Draw a mind map showing who we could include in our prayers and what we could pray for.






Aut1.11.1 - Count forwards and backwards and write numbers to 20

This is "Aut1.11.1 - Count forwards and backwards and write numbers to 20" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people...

Friday 20th November 


Look at the PowerPoint and then try to answer the questions.


Patterns with 2d and 3d shapes. Choose between easy, a bit harder and tricky!



Pretend you are one of Little Red Hen's friends. (dog, cat, duck)

Design and make a card to her to say sorry for not helping and what you will do differently next time.

Thursday 19th November 

Aut1.10.4 - Sort 2-D shapes

This is "Aut1.10.4 - Sort 2-D shapes" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Wednesday 17th November 



Aut1.10.3 - Recognise and name 2-D shapes

This is "Aut1.10.3 - Recognise and name 2-D shapes" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Little Red Hen


Listen to and re-read the story again.

Think about each character. 

Can you write a speech bubble for each character. Give an excuse why you can't help.

Remember to write in whole sentences with a capital letter and full stop.

RWI week beginning 16.11.20


Mrs Blow's group are focusing on the sounds c, k and u. Use your set 1 speed sounds book and the video below to help.

Set 1- Lesson 3

In this video we will learn and revise the set 1 sounds c, k, u and b

Mr Jordan's group are focusing on the sounds ir and ou. Use your set 2 and 3 speed sounds book and look at the videos below.

Set 2 Speed Sounds Lesson 10- ir

speed sound - ir

Set 2 Speed Sounds Lesson 11- ou

speed sound - ou

Miss Howe's group are focusing on the sound ar. Use your set 2 and 3 speed sounds book and the video below.

Set 2 Speed Sounds Lesson 7- ar

speed sound- ar

Mrs Hollingsworth are focusing on the sounds ou and oy. Use your set 2 and 3 speed sounds book and the videos below.

Set 2 Speed Sounds Lesson 11- ou

speed sound - ou

Set 2 Speed Sounds Lesson 12- oy

Speed sound- oy

Miss Wood's group are focusing on the sounds ai and ow (brown cow). Use the set 2 and 3 speed sounds book and watch the videos below.

Set 3 Lesson 11- ow

Set 3 Lesson 11- ow

Set 3 Lesson 12- ai

Set 3 Lesson 12- ai

Mrs Adeyemi's group are focusing on the sounds er and ow (brown cow). Use your set 2 and 3 speed sounds book and the videos below.

Set 3 Lesson 11- ow

Set 3 Lesson 11- ow

Set 3 Lesson 10- er

Set 3 Lesson 10- er

Tuesday 17th November 



Aut1.10.2 - Sort 3-D shapes

This is "Aut1.10.2 - Sort 3-D shapes" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Read and listen to the Little Red Hen again.

Can you draw pictures of the story in the right order.

Show how it starts

Draw something that happens next.

What happens after that?

How does the story end?



Choose an activity from the Toys TIC TAC TOE



Monday 16th November 



Aut1.10.1 - Recognise and name 3-D shapes

This is "Aut1.10.1 - Recognise and name 3-D shapes" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



This week we are beginning a new story 

"The Little Red Hen".


First of all we will share the story

Now can you write a description of little red hen.

Remember to write in sentences using a capital letter and full stop.

Can you use some interesting describing words?



Year 1


Targeted Practice Workbook


p24  Challenge 1 and 2 (question one only)



Can you think of three ordinary things which you can do as an act of love for God and draw a picture of yourself doing them.

Friday 13th November 






Today we are going to write George's diary.

Pretend you are George and write about the day you have had and all the different animals you have helped.

Remember to write in sentences.

Think about the sentence you want to write.

Remember to give it a capital letter and to finish with a full stop. 

Take care with handwriting and finger spaces.

Remember to use the sounds you know to help you with spellings.



Thursday 12th november

Toys Tic Tac Toe. Choose an activity from the grid.


Aut1.9.4 - Comparing addition and subtraction statements

This is "Aut1.9.4 - Comparing addition and subtraction statements" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love...



Year 1


Targeted Practice Workbook

p34. Challenge 1 and 2

Wednesday 11th November 


Aut1.9.3 - Comparing addition and subtraction statements

This is "Aut1.9.3 - Comparing addition and subtraction statements" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love...


Collins Year 1 English

Targeted Practice Workbook


P44 Poems and Rhymes

Challenge 1  and 2 





Year 1 English 

Targeted Practice Book


P22. nk and ng words

Challenge 1 and 2


Tuesday 10th November 2020


Aut1.9.2 - Subtraction - finding the difference

This is "Aut1.9.2 - Subtraction - finding the difference" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Friday 6th November 



Aut1.8.5 - Subtraction - counting back




Answer questions in Section A




Thursday 5th November 



Aut1.8.4 - Fact families - the 8 facts

This is "Aut1.8.4 - Fact families - the 8 facts" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Choose an activity sheet and write your own firework poem.







Wednesday 4th November 2020


Aut1.8.3 - Subtraction - find a part

This is "Aut1.8.3 - Subtraction - find a part" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Draw a story map of all the animals George met on his walk. What did he give to each animal?




Tuesday 3rd November
Today we made some paper poppies because  it will soon be Remembrance Sunday when we remember all those who lost their lives  serving in different wars.

Aut1.8.2 - Subtraction - taking away - using the symbol

This is "Aut1.8.2 - Subtraction - taking away - using the symbol" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Rewatch the  video of the Smartest Giant in Town. The author uses the word "smart" to describe George's new clothes. Can you think of some new words to describe George's new clothes?




Monday 2nd November

Aut1.8.1 - Subtraction - taking away - crossing out

This is "Aut1.8.1 - Subtraction - taking away - crossing out" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.





We will be sharing "The Smartest Giant in Town" by Juia Donaldson. 

Have a look at the video and then write a description of what George looked like at the beginning of the story. Remember to write in sentences checking each sentence makes sense and use "Fred Fingers" to help with spellings.


The Smartest Giant in Town

Meet George, the Smartest Giant in Town - and follow him through his day as he meets and helps the animals he comes across on his walk home.

Our theme for this term is toys. Choose at least 3 activities from the grid.

Tic Tac Toe Toys

Thursday 8th October

Aut1.5.4 - Part-whole model (2).pptx

This is "Aut1.5.4 - Part-whole model (2).pptx" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

English: The Magic Porridge Pot

Write about a new magic pot/ object,

What does it look like?

What magic words do you need?

Describe what the pot makes.

Friday 9th October 

Aut1.5.5 - Addition symbol

This is "Aut1.5.5 - Addition symbol" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

English: The Magic Porridge Pot Thief

Make a wanted poster for the thief.

Describe what he looks like.

Describe what he has done.

What will the reward be if he is found/


Thursday 1st October 


Aut1.4.4 - The number line

This is "Aut1.4.4 - The number line" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

For English look at the front cover of the book again and these pictures from the book. Can you describe the little girl? ( Her name is Hannah)

Wednesday 30th September 

Aut1.4.3 - Ordinal numbers

This is "Aut1.4.3 - Ordinal numbers" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

The Magic Porridge Pot

Look carefully at the cover of our new book - The Magic Porridge Pot

Make a list of what you can see.

What questions can you think of about the picture? ( I wonder ...)

Talk to an adult about what you think is going to happen (prediction)


Friday 25th September 

Aut1.3.5 - Comparing activity

This is "Aut1.3.5 - Comparing activity" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Thursday 23rd September 

Aut1.3.4 - Compare numbers

This is "Aut1.3.4 - Compare numbers" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Thursday 23rd September worksheet

For English we are going to write the end part of our story to follow on from the middle written yesterday.

Re -read the original story adding actions to help remember what happened.

Look at your plan and practice telling the next part of the story with the new characters and actions.

Write your ending.

Use phonics (Fred Fingers) to help with spellings and the word mat. 

Remember to leave spaces between your words. Can you use a capital letter to begin a new sentence?

Wednesday 23rd September 

Maths worksheet Wednesday 23rd September

Aut1.3.3 - Introduce symbols

This is "Aut1.3.3 - Introduce symbols" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

For English we are going to write the middle part of our story to follow on from the beginning written yesterday.

Re -read the original story adding actions to help remember what happened.

Look at your plan and practice telling the next part of the story with the new characters and actions.

Write your middle.

Use phonics (Fred Fingers) to help with spellings and the word mat. 

Remember to leave spaces between your words. Can you use a capital letter to begin a new sentence?


For English we are going to use our ideas for a new but similar story to begin writing a story following the pattern of the Enormous Turnip.

We are going to write the beginning today.

Practice telling the beginning of the story orally, adding actions to help remember the sequence. 

Think of a name for your new story.

Write your beginning,

Use phonics (Fred Fingers) to help with spellings and the word mat. 

Remember to leave spaces between your words. Can you use a capital letter to begin a new sentence?

Enormous Turnip Story map

Aut1.3.2 - Compare objects

This is "Aut1.3.2 - Compare objects" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Re-read the story of the Enormous Turnip (see separate link)

We are going to plan a new story based on this traditional story,

Choose a new vegetable  to grow.

Choose three new characters to help.

Which other words can you use instead of enormous.

Choose one of the activities from the theme tic-tac-toe.

Aut1.3.1 - One to one correspondence

This is "Aut1.3.1 - One to one correspondence" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Year One Parents Information

Dear Parents and Carers,

As part of our contingency curriculum, we will be uploading work onto our class pages regularly. 

If your child  has to self-isolate or in an event of a school closure, you can still follow the curriculum online. 

Please visit your child's class page daily to access  videos, worksheets and instructions on daily tasks.

Don't worry, you won't have to print any worksheets, as the answers can be written on a piece of plain paper.


Co-vid 19 Home Schedule

Non-Screen Activities

P.E at Home 
Home Learning Websites

Religious Education

Advent Inspire

Instructions- Making Bread

Autumn Hunting

All Saints Day

Smell Science Experiment

Hoop Guy

Taste Test Investigation

Acting Out The Magic Porridge Pot

Learning About Our Local Area
