Dear Parents and children,
Please find today's class work below.
Children, please complete the work to the best of your abilities and make time for reading and TTRockstars practice.
Best wishes,
Mrs Oluremi
Please follow the link to today's lesson's video.
Complete the worksheet. You do not have to print it out, you can write your answers on a piece of paper.
We are continuing our learning about space.
Please watch the video about the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. How much can you remember about their movement? Can you find out what an eclipse is and how it happens?
Please answer the questions provided on the worksheet.
Mrs Oluremi and Miss Fallon would like to welcome you on your new journey of learning and growing!
We are looking forward to the year ahead, we're sure that it will be amazing!
Thank you to all the parents who could attend our first meeting. Please look through the attached presentation for any information regarding your child's learning that you may find useful.
Please feel free to talk to me or the school office if you need any additional information.
Homework will rotate on a bi-weekly basis
Week 1 - maths and English on Seesaw
Week 2 - Double page research question in homework books
Year 5 staff members:
Mr Dingley - Class teacher
Mrs Adeyemi - Teaching assistant and trainee teacher
Congratulations to children who took part in and graduated from the junior PCSO programme.
Home Learning 05.03.2021
World Book Day Events
Home Learning 04.03.2021
World Book Day Activities
Home Learning 03.03.2021
English Live Lesson
P.E and Spanish
Home Learning 02.03.2021
World Book Day Activities
Home Learning 01.03.2021
Please follow the link below to access the world book day events.
Follow the link to access Scholastic’s world book day events -
Home Learning 26.02.2021
Home Learning 25.02.2021
Home Learning 24.02.2021
P.E and Spanish
Home Learning 23.02.2021
Home Learning 22.02.2021
Home Learning 12.02.2021
Live Lesson
Home Learning 11.02.2021
Go Parks Writing Challenge
Home Learning 10.02.2021
Home Learning 09.02.2021
Safer Internet Day
Home Learning 08.02.2021
Home Learning 05.02.2021
Children's mental health week
Home Learning 04.02.2021
Charles Dickens Questions
Home learning 03.02.2021
P.E - P.E with Joe Wicks (link attached above)
Comprehension - Rosa Parks (see above)
Cosmic comprehension:
Home learning 02.02.2021
Home learning 01.02.2021
Cosmic Comprehension Questions
Home Learning 29.01.2021
R.E - The baptism of Jesus
Live lesson 10:45
English grammar - To explore the function of fronted adverbs (link above)
Maths - Equivalent fractions (resources attached above)
Home Learning 28.01.2021
Science - What effect does exercise have on the muscles? (link above)
Home Learning 27.01.2021
Home Learning 26.01.2021
Home Learning 25.01.2021
D&T - Build a snowman
Comprehension - The F.A Cup (Resources above)
Home Learning 22.01.2021
R.E - LO: To understand the difficulties faced by homeless people and refugees today (resources above).
Home Learning 21.01.2021
Home Learning 20.01.2021
P.E - P.E with Joe (Link above)
Reading at Home
Please encourage your children to read for pleasure at home each day. To help with this, Oak Academy are hosting a virtual school library where each week a popular children's author will provide free books, videos and their recommended reads.
This week's author of the week is Jacqueline Wilson and you can read The Story of Tracey Beaker for free at:
Home Learning 19.01.2021
Science - Why do people with different lifestyles need different diets? (Link attached above.)
Home Learning 18.01.2020
Geography - Where are the Earth's biomes? (Oak academy link above)
Long Multiplication Questions:
Home Learning 15.01.2021
Comprehension - Martin Luther King Day (Resources attached above)
English (Live lesson 10:45) - Big write: Use research and non-fiction sources to write a guide to keeping healthy. Include subheadings such as diet and exercise.
Useful links:
Maths (Live lesson 13:00) - Multiply 3-digits by 2-digits (Resources attached above)
Home Learning 14.01.2021
Big read questions from English live lesson:
Home Learning 13.01.2021
P.E - P.E with Joe (Link attached above)
English (10:45 Live lesson) - Zoom details sent out via seesaw and email.
Maths (13:00 Live lesson) - Zoom details sent out via seesaw and email - White rose maths vimeo and worksheet attached above.
If you have any issues, please contact me via email at
Home Learning 12.01.2021
Geography - What Are The Earth's Biomes? (See above)
Activity - Name Earth's 6 different biomes and list their key features.
Maths (Live lesson 13:00) - To Multiply 2 digits (Area model) - See white rose maths resources above.
Home Learning 11.01.2021
R.E - To understand the thoughts and feelings of characters from the Christmas story. See above.
English (Live lesson 10:45) - To write a scene of dialogue between two characters.
Maths (Live lesson 13:00) - To multiply 4 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. See above
Live lessons will take place on zoom and login details will be sent out via seesaw.
Home Learning 08.01.2020
Maths - Multiply 3 digits by 1 digit
Watch the vimeo above and answer the questions on the worksheet.
English - Big write: Use the following story starter and the image above to write your own short story.
Story starter - He pushed his hand into the carved hand-print on the rock, there was a rumble from beneath his feet and then it opened. Dare he go inside?
Science - How do life cycles compare across the animal kingdom?
Click on the link above complete the activities.
Home Learning 07.01.2020
Maths - Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit. Watch the above vimeo and answer the questions on the worksheet.
Science - Why do birds lay eggs?
Click on the link and complete the activities.
Home Learning 06.01.2020
Follow the activities on the link above.
Good morning Year 5 children and parents.
Today's home learning activities are now on our class page and further information will be provided later today in regards to future live lessons.
Home Learning 05.01.2021
Maths - Area, page 66-67 maths workbook
English - Tense choices, page 100-101 English workbook.
Reading - Greta Thunberg comprehension. Word document above.
Home Learning 07.12.2020
Maths - Roman Numerals page 16
English - Adding prefixes and suffixes to root words page 18
History - Research the life of Anne Frank.
Who was she?
What happened to her?
Homework 04.12.2020
Maths - Perimeter, maths workbook page 64
English - Thesaurus, English workbook page 62-63
Spellings - Practice using look, say, cover, write, check and correct.
If there are any words that you don't understand, research their meaning and try to use it in a sentence.
Home Learning 04.12.2020
Maths - Perimeter page 64.
English - Synonyms and antonyms page 22.
P.E - Wake up with Joe -
Home Learning 03.12.2020
Maths - Measuring Perimeter - Watch the above vimeo and complete the worksheet.
English - Editing, page 80.
Home Learning 02.12.2020
Maths - Multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000 - Watch the vimeo above and complete the worksheet.
English - Adverbials of time, place and number page 102.
R.E - Research and write about Bernadette's visions of Mary at Lourdes.
Use the following websites to help you and complete the reading activity above.
BBC Pilgrimage -
Kids Britannica -
Homework 27.11.2020
From this week, we will be setting homework on seesaw and our class page. Instead of bringing homework books back into school, children can send examples of their homework on seesaw for their teachers to provide feedback.
Spelling - Use look, say, cover, write and check to practice.
Double page spread
What do you want to do when you are older?
Home Learning 27.11.2020
Maths - Adding and subtracting fractions page 46
English - Synonyms and antonyms page 22
Home Learning 24.11.2020
Maths - Addition and subtraction word problems page 28
English - Answering and asking questions page 40
R.E - Read a Bible story where Jesus performs a miracle such as Jesus Calms The Storm and answer the following questions:
Home Learning 23.11.2020
Maths - Dividing by 10 (Watch the above vimeo and answer the questions on the worksheet.
English - Facts and opinions page 44
Home Learning 20.11.2020
Good morning Year 5, you have all worked so hard at home and I am very proud of what you have achieved but I am delighted to say that this is our last day of home learning before we are back to school on Monday.
Maths - Multiply by 10, 100 and 1000
Watch the vimeo above and complete the attached maths worksheet.
The Women Who Helped Build Nasa.
P.E with Joe -
Home Learning 19.11.2020
Maths: Multiplying by 100 - Watch the above vimeo and answer the questions on the worksheet.
Comprehension - Read the above text and answer the questions.
Science - Create a fact file about David Attenborough. Use the following links to help you:
Home Learning 18.11.2020
English - Formal speech and writing page 86-87
Maths - Live lesson with Mr Dingley at 11am on Zoom (Details on Seesaw.)
Re-cap - Multiply by 10 - Watch the vimeo above and answer the questions on the worksheet.
Support -
Reading comprehension - Anti-bullying week text and questions (See above)
Home Learning 17.11.2020
Maths - Cube numbers - Watch the above vimeo and complete the worksheet. Answers to follow this afternoon.
English - Write a setting description of Diagon Alley from Harry Potter (Live lesson with Mr Dingley at 11am on Zoom, see Seesaw for details.)
PSHE - Anti-bullying week - Use the following video and the power point above to create a poster to raise awareness for anti-bullying week -
Home Learning 16.11.2020
Maths - Square numbers
English - Live lesson on Microsoft teams at 11am with Mr Dingley. (Parents check your phones and use Seesaw to join.)
R.E - Complete one the above R.E home learning tasks.
Don't forget to share your work on Seesaw.
Home Learning - 13.11.2020
Maths - Prime numbers two - Watch the video above, pause at each question and then answer the questions on the worksheet.
English - Developing characters and settings page 74-75
Extension - Write a short character description of Hagrid when he arrives to collect Harry -
Theme - Use the information above to create a poster to raise awareness about remembrance day and answer the following questions:
Use the following video to support your answers -
Home Learning 12.11.2020
P.E - Wake Up With Joe -
Maths - Prime numbers:
Times Table Rock Stars - 5-10 minutes - If your child doesn't have their login details, email Mr Dingley and he will send it to you.
Introduction to prime numbers -
Activity - Watch the above prime numbers teaching vimeo and use a hundred square to find all of the prime numbers between 1 and 100.
English - Different Sentences page 96.
Extension - Write three of your own statement, question, exclamation and command sentences.
Home Learning - 11.11.2020
Maths - Factors - Watch the above video, pause at each stage and then complete the factors questions on the above worksheet.
English - Use the above images and our knowledge of the story so far to describe Harry Potter's emotions and thoughts when he first met Hagrid.
Science - What is a lifecycle?
Home Learning
Hello Year 5, as we are having to isolate again maths, English and wider curriculum work will be set on our class page each day for you to complete.
If you would like to receive feedback or have any questions regarding the work please email
Parents please continue to check your emails and our website for updates.
Stay safe and see you soon.
Home Learning answers
Thank you children for all the work that you have done during our week of Home Learning.
Answers for work in your English & Maths that was done in your workbook can be found in the back of the book.
The White Rose answer sheets can be found below for you to check your answers. You may send in any work that you have done via email if you wish.
Please bring your maths assessment answers in on Monday.
Hello children,
We hope that you are keeping safe at home. Your work for each day will be uploaded onto this page.
*Answers will be posted on Friday- please mark your work and then submit it via email and then you will receive feedback. We look forward to seeing it!*
Maths: Continuing our work on Line Graphs, please complete pages 106 & 107 of your workbook. I will upload ones of the lessons from before half term as a recap.
English: pg 20 & 21 of your workbook on Homophones and Confusing words.
Reading: 20 minutes of your book or a book/newspaper that you've chosen from home.
Complete one of the History activities from the Home Learning document that is attached.
Maths: Watch the attached video clip and complete page 102 &103 of your workbook.
English: Complete pages 2& 3 of your workbook on synonyms and antonyms.
Maths: Watch the attached video and complete the worksheet.
English: Reading Comprehension. Read the extracts and complete the questions on pages 24 & 25 in your workbook.
R.E: Complete one of the lessons from the Home Learning document above.
Maths: Watch the video and complete pages 104 & 105 of your workbook.
English: Comprehension- complete pages 26 & 27 of your workbook.
Handwriting: Copy out the poem Firework Night by Enid Blyton
Maths: Complete the attached assessment. You may write your answers on a piece of paper, numbered, if you can't print it off. Bring this assessment to school on Monday :)
English: Reading - complete pages 28 & 29 of your workbook.
P.E: Take part in the attached video of P.E. with Joe.
Home Learning Week of 05.10.2020
Monday - Root Words pg 12-13
Tuesday - Prefixes pg 14-15
Wednesday - Suffixes pg 16-17
Thursday - Adding prefixes and suffixes to root words pg 18-19
Friday - Homophones and confusing words pg 20-21
Monday - Mental maths (50s club)
Tuesday - Multiplication pg 30
Wednesday - Division pg 32
Thursday - Word problems pg 36
Friday - Multiplication and division re-cap
Home Learning 28th-2nd October 2020
Monday - Jane Considine Live lesson - Sentence stacking lesson 7 (Youtube)
Tuesday - Jane Considine Live lesson - Sentence stacking lesson 8 (Youtube)
Wednesday - Jane Considine Live lesson - Sentence stacking lesson 9 (Youtube)
Thursday - Independent writing - Edit and write up their previous work in best.
Friday - Independent writing - Edit and write up their previous work in best.
Monday - Mental maths - Times table and division practice
Tuesday - Addition pg 24-25
Wednesday - Subtraction pg 26-27
Thursday - Word problems pg 28-29
Friday - Addition and subtraction re-cap
Home Learning 21st-25th September 2020
Monday - 50s club
Tuesday - Rounding up to 1,000000
Wednesday - Negative numbers
Thursday - Roman numerals
Friday - Addition (column method)
English - Jane Considine's Live Lessons
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Class teacher - Mr Dingley
HLTA - Miss Doyle
*WINNER* of the quiz was Joanna with a total of 9 points Closely followed by Chase & Kai in second place with 8 points. Well done everyone!
The answers were: 1) yolk 2) Evergreen 3) Liverpool 4) J 5) Joe Wicks or The Body Coach 6) 3 7) JK Rowling 8) Boris Johnson
9) moon 10) light
It was great to see you again on Zoom and hear your voices! I look froward to your quiz answers being emailed to me
I'm attaching below the video from Ashley about the Laing project that we all took part in before lock-down. Please watch it, then complete the task from the task sheet and email to me by the end of the day, Monday. It doesn't have to take long and I know that Ashley would really appreciate your feedback!
Well done on finishing this text! I hope that you enjoyed the story. I was surprised by the twist at the end. I have attached some reading and writing activities on these last chapters for you to complete by Monday 29th June. After that, we will focus on cross-curricular links based on the story. Do also keep practising your maths work; use the Oak Academy lessons for Year 5.
I will be in touch this week about organising another Zoom session for next week.
Enjoy the sunny weather this week,
Mrs McDevitt
Thank you to all of you who took part in our Zoom session; it was lovely to see all of your smiling faces!
I have decided to ask you to finish the book over the weekend , and I will post the work on Monday. So finish chapter 24, then read 25 & 26.
I will get in touch about the next Zoom session.
Please read chapters 21-23 by Friday. Check back for more related work on Friday
I'm looking forward to meeting up with you on Zoom on Friday. Check your emails to book your place.
Please read chapters 16-20 over the weekend and I will post activities on Monday
Welcome back!
I hope that you are enjoying the sun and have been reading our class text. The new activities are above for you to try. I am loving this book and will definitely be looking at other books from this author, Onjali Q. Rauf.
Remember to keep practising your maths work too by using the TimesTables Rockstars page (I have your log in if you need it) and trying out some of the Oak Academy maths lessons. I will re-post the link.
I am looking forward to talking to some of you over the phone this week too!
Mrs McDevitt
As it is half-term this week, I won't set any activities for you to complete!
During the course of the week, read chapters 9-15 of the book and I will put the activities online on Monday June 1st
Have a lovely week.
Mrs McDevitt
Please complete the reading questions and writing activities by Friday and email them into school On Friday, I will put up the new chapters to read.
If you would like to complete some Maths questions, I recommend looking at the Oak Academy Gov lessons on the links below; they cover a variety of maths topics for Year 5.
Please read chapters 4-8 & I will post the activities to complete on Monday.
Thank you to those children who have sent in work- it's great to see what you have been up to.
I hope you have enjoyed the chapters so far! I loved meeting the characters, Tom, Josie, Michael and Ahmet! I found it hard to work out the narrators name? I thought it was lovely how he thought about the feelings of the new boy, Ahmet, and winked at him! Jennie doesn't sound too kind though! And what does seclusion mean? Where do you think that Ahmet goes?
I've attached the quiz and the writing activities- have a go at them and email pictures or documents of your work to me by Friday :)
On Friday, I will put up the new chapters for you to read.
Happy reading & writing.
Welcome to our class read for the Summer Term!
Some of you already have either collected or had delivered your own copy of the book- these are for you to keep!
Once you have got your book, read chapters 1-3 by Tuesday. Check back in on this page and there will be a little quiz to answer on the chapters and a writing activity for you to try .
If you don't have your book, it may be delivered this weekend. If it isn't, please collect from the school office on Monday. Any problems with this, let the office know on Monday.
I will be reading the same chapters as you! I'm looking forward to finding out, who this boy is, does he have friends, why is he at the back of the class?
Happy reading!
Welcome to the new Summer Term!
Again, it's different to our usual ways of working but remember we are still here for you. I'm uploading an English unit for you to have a go at to support your learning; it is an easy to follow guide. If you have any questions, please email me . If you complete this unit, send in your work and I will share it on our class page (you may email in any work that you would like to share- thank you David for sending yours in!) :) There are also lots of other ideas on here for you to try including the Oak Academy lessons which have a new programme each week- take a look!
I will be continuing to phone you throughout this half term!
Mrs McDevitt
Hello Year 5!
Week 2 of Home Learning.
I'm going to put some suggestions here each week for you to try.
If you have finished your Home Learning Class Pack, I recommend you having a go at:
The Body Coach PE lesson from 9.00-9.30 each day.
Maths: Complete the daily lesson from the White Rose maths scheme (the link is below).
Writing: There are a range of KS2 writing challenges on the link below. The 'Take a Stand' challenge looks interesting!
Reading: I have attached below a range of reading comprehensions for you to complete at your leisure. If you have finished your current book, there is a link to Scholastic below which has access to magasines & extracts to read along with some activities to match.
I am also adding some new activities to this page each week for you to try- do keep coming back to visit our page and see what is new!
*Remember to include some time for you to relax, record in your journal, draw, watch some TV!*