Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page.
To find out more about our learning and enriching experiences please go to X.
We are proud to share our learning journey with you.
Year 3 - 2022- 23
Welcome back to school everybody.
We hope you are looking forward to our year together in year 3. We have lots of exciting things planned for you this year and we know that we will all have fun and enjoy our learning journey together.
Mrs Bardell and Miss Wood
Friday 9th July 2021
Good morning Year 3. Most of you will be back at school today but some of you may have to isolate for a few extra days. As long as you are all happy and healthy that's the most important thing.
Work for today:
Maths: Comparing angles - watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet.
English: Comprehension - The Monster within
Mrs Bardell
Thursday 8th July 2021
Good morning Year 3. I hope you are all keeping well and are looking forward to returning to school tomorrow. Please remember to do your lateral flow tests today so we all know we are safe when we return to school.
Thank you again for all of your lovely work. I really enjoyed reading your finished Gloomy Bloot reports and your maths work on turns and angles was very good.
Today's work:
Maths : Right angles in shapes - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
English: Look at the lesson slides and write your own report on our submarine The Flounder X-16
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell
Wednesday 7th July 2021
Good morning Year 3. How are you all today? Thank you again for all of your lovely work that you have sent on Seesaw. Your Monster Catcher - Gloomy Bloot reports are coming along nicely, I look forward to seeing the final few paragraphs today. Well done to everyone on their time assessments. Its lovely to see your progress from the start of the unit. Also I loved your folding plant surprises. What a talented group you are!
Today's work:
Maths - Shape and Space - Turns and angles
English - Write the final paragraphs of your Gloomy Bloot report
I look forward to see your lovely work on Seesaw.
Take care and stay safe. Don't forget to do your lateral flow tests before coming back into school on Friday.
Mrs Bardell
Tuesday 6th July 2021
Good morning Year 3. I hope you are all doing well, not long now until we can return to school, just remember to do your lateral flow before hand to keep everybody safe. Thank you again for all of the lovely work you have sent on Seesaw. I loved seeing your Field Notes for the Gloomy Bloot and am excited about reading your reports over the next two days. I am also really pleased with all of your work on time especially your problem solving from yesterday. Well done everyone.
Today's work:
Maths: Time - End of unit assessment
English: The Monster Catcher - Gloomy Bloot Report - Today I would like you to write paragraph 1 and 2 of your Gloomy Bloot Report. (We will finish it off tomorrow).
Art: - Watch the tutorial video and draw your fold and grow plant.
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work. Stay safe and see you soon.
Mrs Bardell
Monday 5th July 2021
Good morning year 3, I hope you are all well. Not long now until we can go back to school and see each other. Please look at the messages Mrs Rynott asked to be posted on Seesaw about lateral flow tests. It is really important that before you return to school you take a lateral flow test to prevent us from having to isolate and possibly miss the end of the school year. These tests are optional but for the best interest of everyone I would strongly encourage everybody to be doing them.
Work for today:
Maths: - Time - Problem solving with time - Watch the lesson video then complete the worksheet.
English: - The Monster Catcher - Field Notes - the Gloomy Bloot
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work on Seesaw. Take care and stay safe.
Mrs Bardell
Friday 2nd July 2021
Good morning Year 3. Thank you for all of you lovely work you sent me yesterday. It's nice to see you confidence developing with time in maths, your English Field notes were really creative with some lovely monsters to help the Lounging Howloon and i saw some thoughtful posters about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Well done everyone.
Today's work:
Maths - Measuring time in seconds - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet.
English - Comprehension - Recycle, Recycle
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Stay safe and take care.
Mrs Bardell
Thursday 1st July 2021
Good morning Year 3. Thank you to the children who sent me their completed Lounging Howloon reports. I was impressed (What fantastic reports they were! ) Today I have put up three lessons for you, English, Maths and RE. Please try and complete the work set for you and make sure you send it so that Miss Wood and myself can check it on Seesaw.
Today's work:
Maths - Measuring time in seconds - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
English - The Monster Catcher - You need to do Field notes for 4 little monsters who are slaves to the Lounging Howloon. Look at my example for support, but make sure the work is your own. Give your monsters a name, describe them, draw them and give them a job that they do to help the Lounging Howloon.
RE - As part of our Pentecost unit, today's lesson is looking at the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Read the information about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit carefully and think about the qualities. Draw a poster to show the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. I have done an example in the lesson slides to give you some ideas.
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work. Take care and stay safe.
Mrs Bardell
Wednesday 30th June 2021
Good morning Year 3, we have had the results through from the PCR test and unfortunately it was positive. This means that you will need to isolate for 10 days and we can not return to school until Friday 10th July. Mrs Rynott has prepared a letter which I will put on seesaw with all of the information you need. It is very important that you read this letter and follow the government guidance.
Thank you all so much for the lovely work you sent on seesaw yesterday. Well done with your duration of time work, it was good to see some lovely English pieces, we will be continuing with this today and I thought your folding monsters were fabulous. What great monsters they were!
Here is your work for today:
Maths: Comparing durations - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
English: The Monster Catcher - Continue your report about the Lounging Howloon. Today you will need to write paragraphs 3, 4 and 5.
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work on seesaw.
Stay safe, see you soon.
Mrs Bardell
Tuesday 29th June 2021
Good morning Year 3
Here we are again with our remote learning. We are going to carry on with our normal lessons with English and maths. I will post all of your work here on the class page for you to complete. Remember to send me your finished work each day on seesaw so we can celebrate all of your hard work.
Maths - Time - Finding the duration
English - The Monster Catcher - Field Notes Report
Art - Art for kids hub - follow the link for your art work
Mrs Bardell
Friday 5th March 2021
Good Morning Year 3. Today is the last day of home learning and I am so excited about returning to school on Monday. I have sent out a letter to parents on seesaw, please ask your parents to read this as it contains information about returning to school. Remember that on Monday we will be celebrating Word Book Day in school so if you want to dress up as your favourite character, come to school in pyjamas or just in non uniform you are welcome to do so. We will be doing lots of fun activities throughout the day.
Children remember, I am super proud of you all for all your hard work and dedication whilst we have been at home. I would also like to say a huge thank you to your parents for all of their help and support whilst we have been working from home. You are all heros!
Today's Work:
English - Big Read - Comprehension - The Witch of Axon
Maths - Measure and perimeter end of unit assessment
Music - Watch the video Mrs Clayton has sent in and join in on your ukulele
PE - Enjoy a nice afternoon in the outdoors
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work and I can't wait to see you all on Monday.
Mrs Bardell
Thursday 4th March 2021
Good morning Year 3. Remember there is no live lesson today but you do need to complete the work set and send it to me on seesaw.
Today's Work:
English - Fronted Adverbials
Spelling - 5 mins daily practice
Reading - Remember to record your reading and send it to me on seesaw if you haven't already done so
Maths - Perimeter no lesson video just a work sheet today
RE - Daily Lent activity and Fr Hudson's Activities
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work
Mrs Bardell
Wednesday 3rd March 2021
Good morning Year 3. Today is our last live English lesson. I have loved all of our live lessons but am really excited about seeing you all again on Monday. Thank you for all of the lovely work you have sent to me on seesaw. Dovydas your illustration for a new book cover for the Snow Queen was amazing and i was over the moon to see so many lovely forces posters. Well done children, I am so proud of all of you. Remember if you need help message me of seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Work for Today:
10.00am Live English Lesson - Skills
Maths - There is no worksheet to do today, you just need to watch the lesson video and complete the activity on perimeter.
Theme - Rainforest - Lesson 7 - Tribes of the Amazon - Look at the lesson slides and create a spider chart for the different tribes in the Amazon.
RE - Have ago at the Lenten activity for today.
Reading - Remember to record your reading and send it to me on seesaw
Spelling - 5 mins daily practice
As always I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell
Tuesday 2nd March 2021
Good morning Year 3. Thank you all for the lovely work you sent to me yesterday. I had some great predictions about what the Snow Queen might do when she returns to the palace. I also had great work on perimeter and fantastic monkey drawings. Well done everyone. Remember if you need any help message me on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work:
10.00am - Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Calculating perimeter - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Spelling - 5 minutes daily practice
Reading - Remember to send me your recorded reading on seesaw
TTRockstars - 5 -10 minutes daily
Science - Look at the lesson slides and design a poster to show the different forces you have been learning about
RE - Look at the slides for today on the Lenten activity
As always I I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell
Monday 1st March 2021
Good morning Year 3. I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed some time outside in the sun. This is our last week of learning from home. I am so excited to see you all again and to have our lessons in school. I'm sure you are all looking forward to coming back to school and seeing all of your friends again. As always if you need me remember to contact me on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk.
Today's work:
10.00am Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Measuring perimeter. Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet.
Spellings - 5 minutes practice daily
TTRockstars - 5-10 minutes daily
Reading - Remember to record your reading and send it to me on seesaw
Art - Follow the tutorial to draw the monkey (as requested by Olivia )
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell
Friday 26th February 2021
Good morning Year 3. I can't believe it is Friday already! This week has gone so quickly. Thank you for all of your lovely work you have sent to me on seesaw. I really am proud of all of you. Id like to say a special well done to Francesco and Olivia for scanning more points for our school in the School's Park Challenge. Also thank you to Miss Wood and the children from school for creating a lovely Lent display. As always if you need any help please contact me on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work:
10.00am - English Live Lesson - Skeleton Island Comprehension
Maths - There is no worksheet today, but you need to do the lesson activity on perimeter
Reading - Please record your reading and send it to me on seesaw if you haven't already done so
TTRockstars - 10 mins daily practice
11.30am - Live Session - Chit Chat Friday
Music - Watch the video sent by Mrs Clayton and join in with the activities. I would love it if you could send me a recording of you playing the ukulele on seesaw.
PE - As its the last few days of the School's Park Challenge, it would be lovely if you could go for a walk to your local park and scan the code to get more points for our school.
I look forward to seeing and hearing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell
Thursday 25th February 2021
Good morning Year 3. Thank you for all of the lovely work you have sent to me on seesaw, our skills work is really improving, well done. Miss Wood told me that all of the children in school worked really hard especially with their English. If you need any help remember you can contact me of seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work:
10.00am - Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Spelling - 5 mins daily parctice
Reading - Remember to record your reading on seesaw and send it to me if you have not done so already.
Maths - Subtracting Length - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet.
RE - Lent and Lenten Promises
Mission assembly - Follow the link to then first mission assembly of Lent.
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell
Wednesday 24th February
Good morning Year 3. Thank you for all the lovely work you have sent to me on seesaw, especially Rayna, Olivia and Jack who completed some fantastic English work. Well done all of you. Remember if you need any help contact me on seesaw or bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work:
10.00am - Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Adding Lengths - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Spelling - 5 mins practice daily (the spellings are tricky this week)
Reading - Please record and send you reading on seesaw if you haven't already done so
TTRockstars - 10 mins daily practice
Theme - Lesson 6 - Protecting the rainforest
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Good morning Year 3, thank you for all of the lovely work you have sent to me on seesaw. I loved your butterflies and your story maps. I'd like to give a special mention to Euan and Rayna for being the first children to send me their lovely reading. Well done!
Remember if you have any problems let me know on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work:
10.00 - Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Comparing length- New learning - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Spellings - 5 mins daily practice
Reading - Record your reading on seesaw
TTRockstars - 10 mins daily
Science - Forces lesson 6 - Oak Academy - What impact do gears, leavers and pulleys have on forces?
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work
Mrs Bardell
Monday 22nd February 2021
Good morning Year 3, I hope you all had a lovely half term. Thank you to the children who sent me their pictures of them on the School Park Challenge I was able to send these to Mrs Rynott and put them on Twitter. We have a busy half term so I hope you are all ready for the exciting work we have planned. Remember to send me your work on seesaw before the end of the day, also remember that once a week you need to record your reading and send it to me on seesaw. If you have any problems please contact me on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work:
10.00am - Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Recap Lesson Comparing Length - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Spellings - 5 Mins Daily Practice
TTRockstars - 5 -10 mins Daily Practice
Reading - Record and send on seesaw
Art - Watch the tutorial and draw your butterfly. (There is a harder one drawing a monarch butterfly if you find this too easy, or if you want a challenge)
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work
Mrs Bardell
Friday 12th February 2021
Good morning Year 3. I can't believe it is not only Friday today, but it is also half term next week! We have had a very strange half term and have had to get used to learning at home and doing zoom English lessons. I am so proud of you all and really do hope
we can go back to school as soon as it is safe to do so. As always I look forward to seeing your work on seesaw. Remember if you have any problems let me know on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work:
10.00 - Live English Lesson - Comprehension - Ship Ahoy
11.30 - Chit Chat Friday
Maths - Equivalent Lengths - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Reading - Remember to record your reading and send it to me on seesaw if you haven't already done so
Music - Mrs Clayton Video
PE - Schools Park Walk Challenge
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work. Take care, stay safe and have a lovely half term.
Mrs Bardell
Thursday 11th February 2021
Good morning Year 3, I hope you are all well and are nearly ready for half term. I have had some fantastic work sent to me so far this week and I am proud of all of you but I'd like to give a special mention to Demi for writing a fantastic conversation in English, I was so impressed that I emailed it to Mrs Rynott! I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work from today. Remember if you have and problems send me a message on seesaw or email me bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work:
10.00am - Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Mission Assembly - Follow the link to this weeks mission assembly
Maths - Recap lesson measure length in metres - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Spellings - 5 mins practice daily
Reading - Remember to send me your reading on seesaw if you haven't already done so this week
RE - Reconciliation Lesson 2 - Saying sorry
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell
Wednesday 10th February 2021
Good morning Year 3 I hope you are all well. Thank you so much for all of the lovely work you have sent to me. I am so proud of your end of unit assessments on statistics in maths. Even if you got a bit stuck or weren't very confident don't worry because we will look at statistics again. I loved the Safer Internet posters you have sent to me after watching the assembly. Its really important to check information and tell a grown up if something isn't right. As always, if you need any help let me know on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work:
10.00am - Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Measuring Length - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Spellings - 5 minutes daily practice
TTRockstars - 5 - 10 minutes daily
Reading - Remember to record your reading and send it on seesaw if you haven't already done so.
Theme - Rainforest Lesson 5 - The Amazon - Look at the lesson slides and forest information then complete the forest comparison sheet
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.Take care and stay safe.
Mrs Bardell
Tuesday 9th January
Good morning Year 3, Thank you for all of the lovely work you have sent to me on seesaw, I was really impressed with some of your jaguar drawings, well done everyone. Today is 'Safer Internet Day' and our work this afternoon will be about staying safe on line and finding accurate information not made up facts. I have included a video and a poster for you to design for Safer Internet Day. Remember if you need any help message me on seesaw or email me bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work
10.00am - Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Today you will do an end of unit assessment on statistics . There is no lesson video for this. You just need to complete the worksheet to see what you can remember from this unit.
Spellings - 5 minutes practice daily
Reading - Send on seesaw if you haven't already done so
Safer Internet Day - Watch the video and design your Safer Internet Poster
Science - Forces Lesson 5 - Oak Academy Link
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work, especially your Safer Internet Posters.
Mrs Bardell
Monday 8th February 2021
Good morning Year 3. It's week 5 of live lessons, the weeks are flying by! We have another busy week ahead of us and I am really looking forward to seeing all of the lovely work you produce. Thank you to Olivia who sent me a photo of her and her family on the Schools Park Challenge. Have a look at the link I sent on seesaw. We need as may children to take part and scan the QR codes in their local park to get points for our school. This can be done safely as part of your daily exercise. If you send me your photo I will forward it on to Mrs Rynott. Thank you to the children who sent me a video of their ukulele practice, Mrs Clayton was so happy when I told her. Remember you need to upload your work to seesaw so Miss Wood and myself can check it and leave you a lovely comment. Also remember to send me your reading on seesaw too. If you have any problems please contact me on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's work
10.00am Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Tables - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Spellings - 5 mins practice daily
TTRockstars - 5 - 10 mins daily
Reading - Record your reading and send it to me on seesaw (once a week)
Art - Follow the tutorial to draw the next rainforest animal
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work. Take care and stay safe.
Mrs Bardell
Friday 5th February 2021
Good morning Year 3. I can't believe it's Friday! Where has this week gone? Thank you for sending me all of your lovely work on seesaw. I'd especially like to thank Freya for her lovely English work and Jack for his colourful and reflective RE work. I am very proud of all of you and the efforts you have put into your home learning. Remember if you need any help contact me on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work
10.00am - Live English Lesson - Comprehension
11.30 - Live Lesson - Chit Chat Friday
Maths - Bar Charts - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Reading - Remember to record your reading and send it on seesaw if you have not done so already
Music - Mrs Clayton has sent your first ukulele lesson
PE - Joe Wicks
Thursday 4th February
Good morning Year 3, I hope you are all well. I cant believe it is nearly the end of the week already! Thank you to all of your lovely work you have sent to me on seesaw. I'd love to give a special mention to Tilly and Dovydas for excellent work in all subjects so far this week. Thank you for all the lovely reading you have sent to me, it really is lovely listening to you all. Remember it is expected that you send your work on seesaw each day, if you have any problems with this please let me know. Miss Wood will be contacting some people today to make sure they know how to use seesaw and can send their work.
I will be starting our lessons on Reconciliation today. It is really important that all children who are making their Holy Communion watch these lesson slides and send their work on seesaw.
Today's work
10.00am - Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Drawing Bar Charts - There is no worksheet today but you do need to do the activity on the lesson video
Spellings Practice - 5 minutes daily
TTRockstars - 5-10 minutes daily
Reading - Please send your recorded reading on seesaw if you have not already done so
RE - Reconciliation - Lesson 1
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Good Morning Year 3, I hope you are all well. Thank you for all of the lovely work you have sent me on seesaw. I especially liked Freya's story map and English skill sentences.Good girl Freya. Remember to send me your reading on seesaw by the end of the week please. The children who are not posting their work on seesaw will receive a phone call before the end of the week to make sure everything is ok. If you need any help please message me of seesaw or email me bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work
10.00am - Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Recap - Interpreting Pictograms - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Reading - Remember to send my your recorded reading before the end of the week.
TTRockstars - 5 - 10 minutes daily
Spelling Practice - 5 minutes daily
Theme - Rainforests - Lesson 4 - Life in the Rainforest - Lesson slides and worksheet
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Good morning Year 3. Thank you for all of the lovely work you sent me yesterday. I loved seeing all of your fabulous drawings of sloths. We had some great English and maths work too so well done. If you want to collect your ukulele from school please do so. I will be putting up your music lesson on Friday from Mrs Clayton.
Please remember that each week you need to record yourself reading a page from your book and send it to me on seesaw. A few children have already done this today, well done!
Remember if you need any help let me know on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work
10.00 - Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Recap - Pictograms - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Spelling - 5 minutes daily practice
TTRockstars - 5 - 10 minutes daily
Science - Lesson 4 - What are non-contact forces?
Children's Mental Health Week - Express Yourself - Look at the lesson slides and choose if you want to do the acrostic poem or mindfulness sheet
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell
Monday 1st February 2021
Good morning Year 3. I can't believe we are on week 4 of live lessons already. I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are keeping safe. This week is Children's Mental Health Week and the theme as expressing yourself. There is an assembly on Oak Academy tomorrow at 9.00am if you would like to watch it. We will be some work on this over the week in the afternoons as its really important. Remember if you need any help please contact me on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work
10.00 am - Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Recap lesson Making Tally Charts - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet.
Spelling Practice - 5 minutes daily
TTRockstars - 5-10 minutes daily
Reading - Over the week please remember to record your reading and send it to me on seesaw
Art - Follow the tutorial to draw a sloth
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell
Friday 29th January 2021
Good morning Year 3. I can't believe its Friday already!
Thank you for all of your lovely work you have sent me on seesaw. I have been amazed at the standard of your letters in English. I need to give a special mention to Demi for a superb letter, good girl!
Thank you to all the children who recorded their reading for me it is so lovely to listen to you reading.Id like to give a special mention to Jacob for sending me his lovely reading. I am so proud of the way you read those tricky words Jacob, well done!
I am incredibly proud of all the children in my class for the effort they are putting into their work. Remember if you have any problems let me know on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's Work:
10.00 - Live English Lesson - Spelling test and Comprehension - Whats Up Doc?
Maths - Money - End of unit - There is no lessons video today. This work is checking to see if you have understood the lessons on money. Please do not worry if you find parts difficult, just try your best.
11.30 - Live on Zoom - Chit-Chat Friday - Games and a scavenger hunt
PE - Joe Wicks workout (See link below)
Reading - Last chance to send your reading in for this week.
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell
Thursday 28th January 2021
Good morning Year 3. Thank you all for your lovely work you sent to me on seesaw. I'd like to give a special mention to Demi and Dovydas for all of their lovely work in English, maths and theme. Thank you to all of the children who have sent me in their reading. I really enjoy listening to you. Also Mrs Fowler and Miss Carey have said a big thank you to the children who have complete the well-being survey. If you haven't completed it yet please do before the weekend the link is with yesterday's work.
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work on seesaw. Remember if you need any help please let me know either on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Mrs Bardell
Today's work
10.00 am live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Giving change - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Spellings - 5 mins practice daily
Reading - Record on seesaw if you have not done so already
TTRockstars - 5-10 minutes daily
RE - Watch the CAFOD assembly on the link below and do a poster for 'Water of Life' (I have done an example one for you to give you some ideas.)
Have fun and stay safe
Wednesday 27th January 2021
Good Morning Year 3. Thank you again for all of your lovely work. I had some lovely story maps and great setting descriptions. A special mention this time to David and Sophia for fantastic descriptive work. Remember if you have not done so already you need to record yourself reading a page from your book and send it to me on seesaw. If you are in school, the teachers will listen to you read so you don't have to send me yours.
Miss Carey and Mrs Fowler have sent a link to a well being survey. They would like all children to complete the survey by the end of the week please. The survey is really simple but if you need help reading or understanding the questions ask a grown up to help you. I have put the link on seesaw and I will also include in in out work for today.
Mrs Rynott would like everybody to watch and join in with a special weekly Mission Assembly. I have put the link on seesaw and will also include it with today's work.
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work. Contact me on seesaw or email if you need help
Today's Work
Live English Lesson - 10.00am - The Snow Queen
Maths - Subtracting money - Watch the lesson video and answer the questions
Spellings - 5 mins daily
Reading - Record a page for seesaw
TTRockstars - 5-10 minutes daily
Theme - Lesson 3 - Layers of the Rainforest - Look at the slides and complete the worksheet
Mission Assembly -Episode 4 (Link with work below)
Complete Well Being Survey
Mrs Bardell
Tuesday 26th January 2021
Thank you for all the lovely work I have received on seesaw. I'd like to give a special mention to Olivia and Rayna who produced some fantastic work in English after our live lesson. I was truly amazed, good girls. I have also had lots of fantastic tree frogs sent to me. I love doing these tutorials and I hope you do too. Some children are just sending me their skills work on seesaw. I need to see the main activity work too because I have to keep a register of all of your work sent in. Remember after the live lesson I put the slides up on our class page to support you with the activities.
Today's Work
English - 10.00am - Live Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Adding money - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Science - Forces - Lesson Three - Oak Academy Link
Reading - Remember every child needs to record their reading and send it to me on seesaw at least once a week
Spelling Practice - 5 mins daily
TTRockstars - 5-10 minutes daily
I look forward to seeing your lovely work. Take care, stay safe. Remember if you need any help message me on seesaw or email me bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Mrs Bardell
Monday 25th January 2021
Good morning Yr3. I hope you all had fun playing in the snow yesterday, I know I did . We have another busy week ahead of us and I am excited about all the work we will be doing. Please remember that over the week everybody needs to record themselves reading a section from a book and sent it to me on seesaw (you can record your reading more than once if you like)
Today's Work:
English - 10.00 am - Live English Lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Converting pounds to pence - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Spelling Practice - 5 minutes daily
TTRockstars - 5-10 minutes daily
Reading - Record yourself reading for about 1 minute and upload it to seesaw
Art - Rainforest drawing follow the tutorial to learn how to draw a rainforest tree frog.
AS always I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work. Take care and stay safe. Remember if you need any help please contact me on seesaw or email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Mrs Bardell
Friday 22nd January 2021
Good morning Year 3. Its the last day of the week and it'll be a busy on for us.
Thank you to the children who have sent their work on seesaw. Miss Wood and I really enjoy seeing your progress. Just a reminder to the children who haven't sent me their recorded reading to do so by the end of today please. If you have problems, let me know.
Today's Work:
English - Live lesson - Comprehension 1066 - 10.00am
Maths - Pounds and Pence - New learning - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Chit-Chat - Live chit-chat session - 11.30am Have something ready to show and tell. I wont be able to get round everyone this week I will randomly select 5 people each week. I will post the zoom link on seesaw after the live English Lesson tomorrow.
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work. Remember if you have any problems contact me on seesaw or email
Mrs Bardell
Thursday 21st January 2021
Good morning Year 3. Thank you for sending your lovely work on seesaw. I especially liked the nativity scene pictures, I think some of us followed the same drawing tutorial . Also thank you to the children who have sent me their recordings of their reading, its lovely to be able to listen to you.
Work for today:
English - Live Lesson - The Snow Queen - 10am
Maths - Recap lesson on money - pounds - watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Science - Lesson 2 - Forces (Oak Academy Link)
Reading - Please send me a recording of you reading on seesaw
Spelling practice - Test will be on Friday
TTRockstars - 5 - 10 mins daily
As always I look forward to seeing your lovely work. If you have any problems please contact me on seesaw or email:
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Good morning year 3. It's the middle of the school week and I hope you are all still excited and raring to go with your home learning. Thank you for all the lovely work you have sent through on seesaw. It is really important for Miss Wood and myself to look at your work so we can check your understanding. Remember practice makes permanent progress so don't worry if you can't do something straight away, persevere and you will succeed in the end . I was over the moon that so many of you recorded your reading and sent it to me on seesaw. Remember you all need to do this once a week, (you could do it more often if you like).
As always if you have any problems please contact me on seesaw or email - bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Today's work:
English - Live lesson - The Snow Queen - 10.00am
Maths - Recap on previous learning with money (pence) - watch the teaching video and complete the worksheet
Spelling practice - 5 mins daily
TTRockstars - 5 - 10 mins daily
Reading - Record your reading and send it to me on seesaw if you haven't already done so.
RE - The Origins of the Christmas Crib (lesson slides and activity)
As promised I will set up a zoom 'chit chat' session for us on Friday afternoon where we can do some show and tell and maybe play some games. I will send out the zoom link for this on Thursday.
I look forward to seeing your lovely work
Mrs Bardell
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Good morning Yr 3
Thank you to the children who are sending me their lovely work on seesaw. It is always lovely to see your work but I especially enjoyed seeing your fantastic toucans that you drew. Well done everyone
I apologise for my camera not working on our live lesson. I closed the laptop down and reopened it and everything was ok, typical . Hopefully it won't happen again.
Today's work
English - Live zoom lesson - The Snow Queen - 10.00am
Maths - How many ways? - Watch the teaching video and complete the worksheet.
Spelling practice - 5-10 minutes daily
TTRockstars - 5-10 minutes daily
Theme - Mr Jordan has set you your next lesson on Rainforests. Look at the slides and complete one of the the worksheet (There is a worksheet for different locations, just choose one) You will need to do some research on your chosen location.
Reading challenge - Once a week I would like you to record yourself reading a book of your own choice on seesaw. You only need to record for about a minute, don't worry. This is really easy to do. Go to post student work, video, turn the camera to the page from your book and press record. Then send it the usual way. I will be keeping a list of who is posting their reading and checking it daily to make sure Miss Wood or myself have listened to everybody once a week.
Monday 18th January 2021
Good morning everyone. I hope you are all safe and keeping well. We are on our second full week of lockdown and we are all getting much better at using our new technology. Keep smiling and just try your best with the work set for you each week.
Work for today:
English - Live zoom lesson - 10.00am (link on zoom)
Maths - Scaling - Watch the lesson teaching video and complete the worksheet
Spellings - Please practice this weeks spellings. I have put a spelling handwriting sheet and a work search up to help you
TTRockstars - 5-10 minutes a day please
Reading - Please take some time to read a book today. I will put up a new reading link on seesaw with access to more free books
Art - Follow the instructions to draw a rainforest animal - Today you will be learning how to draw a toucan
As always I look forward to seeing your work on seesaw.
If you have any problems please contact me on seesaw or email - bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Mrs Bardell
Friday 15th January 2021
Good morning Yr3, I hope you are all well. We've reached the end of the first full week of live lessons and learning from home and have hopefully had some fun and enjoyed ourselves along the way. I just want to say a big thank you to all the mums and dads who are support you with your learning at home, I know its not each, but you are all doing a fantastic job.
Remember if you need anything please contact me either on seesaw or by email.
Today's Learning
English - Live Lesson - Comprehension and spelling test - 10.00am
Maths - Division - Watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet for today.
PE - I have put a link up for a session with Joe Wicks
TTRockstars - I have reset your TTRockstars times tables for you to practice over the next few weeks. Try to do 5 to 10 minutes a day.
I look forward to seeing your lovely work. Stay safe.
Mrs Bardell
I look forwrad
Thursday 14th January 2021
Good morning year 3 I hope you are all well. Thank you for the lovely work you sent to me on seesaw. You really are getting good at your English skills work, remember practice makes permanent progress . I had some lovely RE work sent to me too.
Remember after each live English lesson I will put the slides up on the class page that way you can go back and check what the activity is and look at my examples again. Parents if you need any help let me know.
Work for today:
English - 10.00 - Live Zoom English lesson - The Snow Queen
Maths - Today you will be looking at division with remainders. There is no worksheet again today but you will need to watch the lesson video and complete practical the activities.
Spellings - Practice your spellings as there will be a spelling test tomorrow in the live lesson.
TTRockstars - 10 mins practice
Science - Your new science topic is Forces. Mr Jordan has sent a link which I have put on seesaw to a science lesson on forces. Watch the teaching video and complete the activities.
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work. Take care and stay safe.
If you need me contact me on seesaw or on my email - bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Mrs Bardell
Wednesday 13th January 2021
Good Morning Year 3.
First I want to thank so many of you for joining in with the live English lesson yesterday. It is so lovely to see you all and receive your work on seesaw. It really makes me smile. I am getting more confident using the technology, I hope you are too. We will all be experts soon!
If you have any problem with your work or if you are unsure about anything please email me or send me a message on seesaw and I will help you as best I can.
Work for today:
English - Live English zoom lesson 3 (Details sent on seesaw)
Maths - Division (These is no worksheet for today, but you do need to do the work on the lesson video.)
RE - The Shepherds on the hill (I have put the lesson slides on the class page with an example of the written work expected)
Spelling Practice - (5 mins)
Reading - Please take at 10 minutes to read a book that you enjoy. I have put a link on seesaw for free ebooks.
Tuesday 12th January
Good Morning Year 3. We survived our first live English lesson yesterday . The technology is still a little scary sometimes but we'll all get better with it in no time at all. I will open up the zoom waiting room at 9.50am so please make sure you are on the zoom meeting by 10.00 as that is when I begin the screen sharing.Thank you for all of your lovely work you have sent on seesaw and thank you to your families for supporting you with your learning.
Today's learning:
Live English Lesson - 10.00am on zoom
Maths - Dividing 2 digits by a 1 digit number sheet 2 - watch the lesson video and complete the worksheet
Spelling practice (5 mins daily)
TTRockstars - (5 - 10 mins Daily)
Theme - Mr Jordan has set you your theme work. Your new topic is 'The Rainforest'. This is always a fantastic topic to do and you will find lots of videos and information online to enhance your learning. If you cant print our the work please don't worry you can always share your ideas with an adult, not everything has to be written down.
I look forward to seeing your work on seesaw. If you have any problems please let me know and I will help in any way I can.
Mrs Bardell
Monday 11th January
At 10.00 today we will be attempting our very first live zoom lesson. I am really excited and really nervous about doing this and just hope the technology works ok. (I also hope I manage to do everything correctly, I apologize in advance if it all goes wrong it's a big learning experience for all of us )
For the live lesson you need to be dressed and ready to work (no PJ's please). You need to have the exercise book to write on that I sent home or just some paper. Make sure your pencil is nice and sharp so you can do your best work. I will mute your microphones on entry. If you need to ask me a question related to the lesson you can use the chat, but please do not have private chat during the live lesson. The lesson will have the same format as our usual lessons with a skills section first, followed by my main teaching then your written activity. The zoom lesson will stop after I have delivered the main teaching to allow you to complete the written work but I will upload the lesson into our class page in case you need to look back on anything. After you have finished your written work please put it onto seesaw for either Miss Wood or myself to look at. (If zoom goes horribly wrong please bear with me, this is all new to me too!)
For maths this week there will be a focus on division. On Wednesday and Thursday there are no worksheets just the lesson video which asks you to complete activities during the teaching video.
Parents please email me or send me a message on seesaw if you need anything and i will try to help the best way I can.
Mrs Bardell
On Thursday 7th January it was David's birthday and on Sunday 10th January it is Rayann's birthday.
Friday 8th January 2020
Thank you all again for sending me your lovely work on seesaw.
Here is today's work:
Maths - Multiplying a 2 digit number by a single digit. Watch the teaching video and complete the worksheet.
English - Speech punctuation consolidation worksheets
PE - This afternoon you would be having PE. Challenge yourself to do a Joe Wicks workout.
Again if there are any problems please email me:
I look forward to seeing your work on seesaw.
Mrs Bardell
Thursday 7th January
Good morning year 3, I hope you are all safe and well and feeling motivated today. Thank you for all the lovely work you have sent to me on Seesaw and thank you to your parents who are supporting you with your home learning. Remember if you have a problem or need help with anything please email me on bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Work for today:
I look forward to seeing your work from today, especially your prayers for the New Year.
Wednesday 6th January 2020
Good Morning Year 3
Thank you for all of your lovely work you sent to me on Seesaw yesterday.
Today for maths you will be looking at related calculations, watch the teaching video and complete the worksheet.
For English I have set some work on conjunctions (Parents I have included the answers for you too).
Please send me completed work on seesaw so Miss Wood and myself can check your understanding.
From Monday I will be doing live English lessons on Zoom at 10.30am. This will be a new, exciting and perhaps challenging experience (at times for me ) Please do not panic or worry about using the technology it's a learning curve for all of us.
I will do a zoom test meeting on Friday morning so we can all get the hang of it before Monday. I will send the details of this via email and Seesaw.
Good Morning Year 3
I am so sorry we can't all be in class together at the moment. I was really looking forward to seeing you all again but as you know we are now in National Lockdown again. I hope you are all well and staying safe. During this lockdown I will be uploading our lessons onto our class page and will also work on live lessons via zoom.
Parents, if you need anything please contact me either through Seesaw or on my email bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk and I will try to help in the best way I can. I will also do the 'Hall of Fame' again so the children can see their lovely work on the class page. I am in school this morning sorting everything out so for today I will upload your maths teaching video and worksheet and New Years booklet.
Take care and stay safe.
I look forward to seeing your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell x
Wednesday 25th November 2020
Good Morning year 3.
Here is your work for today if you are working from home.
English - Collins Book - Fact retrieval Pg24
Write a shape poem about a chocolate.
Maths - Collins Book - Choose a page from the Place Value and the Addition section
TTRockstars 20 mins
Tuesday 24th November 2020
If you are working from home to day here is the work i have set for you.
English - Apostrophes for contraction Pg 58
Maths - TT Rockstars and a Place Value page from your Collins book.
Thank you to all the children and parents in Year 3. I have been inspired by your dedication to learning and your enthusiasm whilst we have had to work at home. I am so proud of each and every one of you and I am really looking forward to seeing you all on Monday morning. Stay home, stay safe and relax over the weekend ready to start our learning adventure in the classroom again.
Mrs Bardell and Miss Wood
Friday 20th November 2020
Good Morning Yr3, thank you all for your lovely work that you sent me yesterday. Today is our last school day working from home, but remember we still can not go out until Monday 23rd November which is our first day back at school.
Today I have only set English and Maths for your school work.
In English I want you to write some instructions on how to work the gum machine you designed yesterday. I have done a model for you to help and included all the steps to be successful at writing instructions. Parents please could you do the spelling test with your child today.
In Maths you need to watch the learning video and complete the worksheet for dividing by 4.
In the afternoon I would like you to have some quality family time at home. You might read a book, watch a film, make some cakes,play a game or anything else you choose.
I look forward to seeing all of your lovely work again and creating our final Hall of Fame. I am so proud of you Yr3.
Mrs Bardell & Miss Wood
Thursday 19th November 2020
Good morning Yr3 hope you are all keeping well and I am looking forward to seeing you all soon.
I have uploaded your work for today and hope you enjoy completing it.
In English you need to listen to my audio recording of Chapter 20 - The Great Gum Machine. Your task is to plan and draw your own gum machine. Think carefully about the food you want the gum to taste of. Make it a three course meal with a starter, main course and a pudding. I have drawn my own gum machine as an example for you to follow.
Don't forget to practice your spellings, remember your test is still on Friday.
In Maths you will be looking at multiplying by 4. Watch the lesson video then complete the worksheet. Try to do at least 10 mins of TTRockstars too today.
This afternoon is usually PE and music. I am going to set you some PE challenges.
Challenge 1 - Is to try and throw a small ball into a bowl or bucket from 3 meters. See if you can do it less than 10 attempts.
Challenge 2 - Is to time how many jumps you can do in 1 minute.
Challenge 3 - Is to time how many burpees can you do in 1 minute.
I can't wait to see your photos of your lovely work and your PE challenge.
Mrs Bardell & Miss Wood
Wednesday 18th November 2020
Good Morning everyone! I hope you are all excited for your work today. Thank you for all your lovely work again yesterday it make s me so happy and proud to see your lovely work. Today I have uploaded your English lesson, Maths lesson and a piece of RE.
English - Down the Chocolate River.
Complete the Skills section on speech. Then listen to my recorded section the story and write a conversation between the characters on the candy boat.
Don't forget to practice your spellings.
Maths - Watch the video lesson then complete the worksheet for the 3 times tables.
RE- Prayer hands activity
I look forward as always to seeing all of your lovely work. You make me very proud to be your teacher.
Mrs Bardell & Miss Wood
Tuesday 17th November 2020
Good Morning year 3, I hope you are all well and ready to do some lovely work today. Miss Wood will be ringing some families today to make sure everything is ok.
I have uploaded your work for today.
In English I have done an audio recording of part of Chapter 17 'Augustus Gloop goes up the pipe.' Your activity for today will be to write about Augustus falling into the chocolate river and getting sucked up the pipe.
In Maths you will be looking at dividing by 3. Follow the teaching video and complete the worksheet.
PSHE - Draw a poster to show the Qualities of a good friend.
I Look forward to seeing all of your lovely work.
Mrs Bardell & Miss Wood
Thank you to Dovydas, Demi, Robert, Freya, Leighton, Olivia, Rayna, Francesco, Dominic and Jack for sending me their lovely work for today. Again I am really proud of all of my class for staying positive and engaging in their home learning. Miss Wood will be ringing the families I have not had contact with just to check that everything is ok.
Mrs Bardell & Miss Wood
Monday 16th November 2020
Good Morning Yr3. I hope you are all well and have had a nice weekend. Thank you to the children who sent me their work over the weekend. It's lovely to see so many of you engaging with your at home learning and I am very proud of you all.
Today starts 'Anti Bullying Week' so I have set some special work for you to complete about this. You do not need to do it all in one go, just do a bit at a time. Today we are wearing 'Odd Socks'' to mark anti bullying week. I'd love to see your odd sock photos.
For English I have uploaded your lesson. It begins with our usual skills work and then shows you how to write a letter from Mr Willy Wonka to his dad about finding the Oompa Loompas. I have recorded myself reading chapter 16 for you and have included this on our class page so you can listen to the chapter to help you with your letter.
I have uploaded your spellings for this week. Please practice them daily like you would in school. Your spelling test will be on Friday.
In Maths we are looking at multiplication and will be focusing on Multiplying by 3.
I look forward to seeing your lovely work and uploading it to our 'Hall of Fame'
Keep up the hard work Yr 3
Mrs Bardell and Miss Wood
Thank you for all of your lovely work today Yr 3. I hope you enjoyed cracking the codes in maths and writing your children in need acrostic poems. Stay safe and have a lovely weekend. I will upload Monday's work on Monday morning.
Friday 13th November 2020
Good Morning Yr3. I hope you are all keeping well. Thank you so much to the children who sent me photos of their work yesterday. I am really proud of your dedication to learning and your enthusiasm. It made me a really happy teacher.
Today is day 2 of our home learning and I an super excited to see all of you lovely work again. I have decided to keep today as 'Children in Need' Day so all of our work will be around this theme today. The theme of this years Children in Need is 'Together we can' and when we work together we can do anything and everything. I will be wearing my Pudsey Ears today. I'd love to see your Children in Need Photos. It might be a smiley or funny face, you might dress up, wear odd socks have funny hair, whatever you decide to do send me a photo and I will include it in our 'Hall of Fame' at the end of the day. I have set a Joe Wicks Children in Need Challenge this morning. You also have Children in Need maths and English work.
'Happy Birthday Tilly' I hope you have a lovely day.
Follow the links below to today's work. I look forward to seeing your lovely photos soon.
Mrs Bardell & Miss Wood
A big shout out to Kaycee, Leighton, Francesco, Euan, Dovydas, Freya, Jack, Olivia and Demi for sending me photos of their lovely work today. I am really proud of all of you. Keep up the good work. Tomorrow we will have a Children in Need theme to our work.
Mrs Bardell
Thursday 12th November 2020
Good Morning Yr3. I hope you are all as excited as me about our new challenge of working from home. Thank you to the children who emailed me their work yesterday. I look forward to seeing lots of work from today.
Today I will set you some Maths, English and a little challenge. On a Thursday afternoon we usually have PE and Music. If you have access to a garden you can play some games outside if you would rather stay inside you could do a Joe Wicks session. I will try to include a link for you.
Remember to email me your lovely work so i can include it on our 'Wall of Fame ' on our class page'
Mrs Bardell & Miss Wood
Year 3 Please could you log onto TTRockstars and try to do at least 20 mins. I have set you the 'Garage set' all on out x3 multiplication and division facts. Remember every correct answer gets us a point for the 'England Maths Week Rock Out'. Our class is placed 53rd in England so far they get our score up! Come on we can do it!!!!
Thursday 12th November 2020
A few of you have already written your 'Inside the Chocolate Room' story but most of you have not done this yet.We would have been doing this today in class.
I would like you to write your story about going inside the chocolate room. You need an opening a middle section and an final part.
In the opening start with the children pushing and shoving to get into the room . The door to the chocolate room opens and describe what they can see, hear, and smell as they first walk in.
This is where the children explore the chocolate room. Include what they can see, hear, smell, taste and feel. Try to use good adjectives, and conjunctions. Also try to include some speech (Remember our little song )
The children see something across the river and are amazed. Use some speech with good reporting clauses.
You can decorate your story when you have finished.
If you have already done your story then please could you practice writing speech for each of the characters (Remember our little song )
e.g. "I want a golden ticket now!" demanded Veruca with her hands on her hips.
Thank you to Francesco and Kaycee for sending me their lovely work today.
I will be uploading our work for tomorrow in the morning.
Have fun and stay safe everyone.
Mrs Bardell and Miss Wood x
Wednesday 11th November 2020
Maths - Subtract a 3 digit number from a 3 digit number with exchange. Watch the lesson video then complete the worksheet.
English - If you were working from home yesterday you should have started your 'Inside the chocolate room' story'. by writing the opening paragraph. Today can you write the middle part of the story. Write about what they do in the chocolate room. Use your senses and tell what they might see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Remember to use good describing words and some speech. When you have done you can email me your work. I look forward to reading the middle of your story soon.
RE - Write your own poem or prayer for Remembrance Day.
Make sure you remember to watch our Remembrance Day assembly
Tuesday 10th November 2020
Monday 9th November 2020
Hello Yr3,
I have uploaded your lessons for today.
Have fun.
If you want to you can email me your work on bardelll@st-osburgs.coventry.sch.uk
Mrs Bardell
Hello Year 3,
Please check below for your school work this week. I have uploaded daily maths videos, worksheets and given pages from your Collins maths book. I have also set your English work mostly from the Collins English book but this week I have included some work on bonfire night and the gun powder plot.
Mrs Bardell
Friday 6th October
Friday 6th November 2020
Thursday 5th November 2020
Wednesday 4th November 2020
Tuesday 3rd November 2020
Monday 2nd November 2020
Collins Book Pg 32 - Poetry Comprehension
Collins Book Pg 56 - Common Misspellings
Thursday 22nd October 2020
English - Collins book Pg 16 Root Words
Collins book Pg 86 Conjunctions
Friday 23rd October 2020
English - Collins book Pg 28 - Traditional Tales Comprehension
Collins book Pg Pg 54 - Homophones
Wednesday 14th October 2020
Maths - Collins Book - a page to consolidate learning from the place value section
English - Collins Book Pg 30 Traditional Tales Comprehension and Pg 46 Prefixes 1
Tuesday 13th October 2020
Maths - Subtract a 1 digit number from a 3 digit number - crossing 10
English - Collins Book Pg 28 Reading Comprehension Traditional Tales
Collins Book Pg 88 Verbs
Monday 12th October
Maths - Add and subtract 3-digit and 1-digit numbers - not crossing 10
English - Please complete Pg 26 and Pg 50 from Collins Book
Tuesday 29th September 2020
Please complete the following work in English today
Prefixes Pg 12
Fact Retrieval 1 Pg 24
Welcome to Year 3
Class Teacher - Mrs Bardell
HLTA - Miss Doyle
TA - Miss Wood