Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Dear Parents and Carers
Returning to school on Monday 8th March 2021
Following the latest Government announcement yesterday, we are pleased to be welcoming all our pupils back to school on Monday 8th March 2021. This includes Nursery up to Year 6.
I will be writing to you all again next week with further information and reminders but I just wanted to share some key information today.
School Organisation
At this point in time we are reviewing and amending our current risk assessment but we will be reverting back to the following arrangements:
Reception – enter (8.45 -9am) and collect (3pm) using reception gate as usual.
Nursery – enter through bottom gate (8.45 -9am) and collect from Main office entrance as usual at 11.45 or from bottom reception gate if 2.45pm finish
Year 1 & 2 – enter school between 8.30-8.45am.
Finish 2.45pm (Y1 collected from main playground entrance and Y2 from the back door by church)
Year 3 & 4 – enter school between 8.45 -9am.
Finish 3pm (Y3 collected from main playground entrance and Y4 from the back door by church)
Year 5 & 6 – enter school between 9am -9.15am. (back door by church entrance as usual)
Finish 3.15pm (Y5 collected from main playground entrance and Y6 from the back door by church)
New PE days are : Wed (Y5/6) Thurs (Y1/2) Friday (Y3/4)
School Attendance
It has been shared with all schools by the Department for Education, the importance of informing parents that attendance from the 8th March is compulsory for all children. It is not optional to keep them at home unless ill or in isolation from being a close contact.
Remote Learning
This will continue this week and next, however there will be no ‘Live’ lessons after Wednesday 3rd March. Please continue to refer to the class pages of the website for activities. We are so grateful to those parents who have ensured that their child has engaged with remote learning at home and this will have minimised any loss of learning. J
World Book Day Celebration
As we are not in school for the official World Book day on Thursday 4th March we have decided to move our celebration to the first day back on Monday 8th March. Children are invited to return to school in either Book character costumes, pyjamas or non-uniform and they will enjoy a lovely day of book themed fun and activities.
Children may wear winter or summer uniform when we return to school.
Keeping Ourselves and Each Other Safe
Even though we are planning for the re-opening of schools, we are still in National Lockdown and the infection rates are still high. It is really important that families are sticking to the rules in order to avoid illness and spreading the infection amongst our school community.
As usual, please do not send your child into school if they are poorly in any way.
If any member of your child’s bubble tests positive for COVID19 then we will need to close and isolate that bubble for 10days.
Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding as we work together to ensure all children can return to school safely in September.
Yours Sincerely
Mrs N Rynott