Friday 3rd September 2021
Dear parents and carers,
I do hope that you have all had an enjoyable summer break. As promised here are some reminders and information regarding the children (Years 1-6) returning to school on Tuesday 7th September. Latest guidance from the Local Authority is that we proceed with caution despite many COVID restrictions ceasing across the country.
- Staggered starts will continue but with a slight change: 8.30-8.45 for Years 1 and 2;
8.45-9am for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. Years 1-4 will enter the school site through the front gate and Years 5 & 6 through the back door by the church.
- Collection points and times will remain the same as last academic year for now with a view to review things in October. (See table)
Year 1
Year 2
Door by church
Year 3
Year 4
Door by church
Year 5
Year 6
Door by church
- Parents are still encouraged to wear facemasks when dropping or collecting the children.
- Nursery class start at 8.45 am and finish at 11.45am (or 2.45pm if 30 hours). Enter and leave via the bottom gate.
- Reception start at 8.45am and finish at 3pm. Enter and leave via the bottom gate.
- The Local Authority are still advising that there should be no visitors on site, therefore parents should email or phone if they require assistance for the time being.
- Children will continue to attend school in their PE kits on PE days as this has worked brilliantly – no forgotten kits, lost property or time wasted changing clothes! J PLEASE ENSURE THAT THIS IS OUR ST OSBURG’S T-SHIRT and black shorts/bottoms.
- All children should be in full school uniform (either summer or winter) with black shoes. Please ensure that items are named.
- All children will access hot dinners in the dining room unless they bring packed lunch to school.
- Children do not need to bring any other items in from home eg. Pencil cases etc. except we would like all pupils from Year 1-6 to bring in their own named water bottle. (non disposable).
- Before and After School Club will be running as usual from Tuesday 7th September.
Please refer to the letter that was circulated to all parents from the Local Authority regarding attendance, testing and other COVID related advice.
However we still wish to remind parents and carers that in order to minimise the spread of infection, the following procedures remain in place:
- Parents should not send their child to school if they are ill, for whatever reason
- The school will send any child who is symptomatic or generally unwell with the associated symptoms home and that they will not be permitted to attend school until a negative PCR test has been taken or 10 days from symptom onset has elapsed.
We look forward to welcoming all the children into school next week and hope for a fantastic academic year for everyone.
Yours Sincerely
Mrs N Rynott