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Return to School Letter - January 2021

Monday 4th January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope that all our families have had an enjoyable Christmas break and I wish you all a Happy New Year.

At the point of writing this letter (2pm on Monday afternoon) we are due to open as usual to all year groups from tomorrow morning – Tuesday 5th January.

I am aware that there is a Government announcement due this evening which may call for another National Lockdown. As yet we do not know whether that will mean schools remain open or closed.

If we are closed please refer to your child’s class page on the website for guidance on Remote Learning. This is updated daily.


If school remains open please may I give the following reminders and information:


  • Staggered start and finish times will continue as last term.
  • Children should only be collected by one family member of their own household or one other regular childcare support adult. (informed in advance to school)
  • Please do not send your child into school if they are poorly in any way or if anyone in their family is symptomatic or waiting for test results.
  • We need to keep classrooms well ventilated so there will be periods of time when windows need to be open. Children may wear their PE hoodie on top of uniform or an extra layer under shirts if they wish.
  • If your child is required to isolate, details of work will be provided for each day on the class page of the website (ongoing).
  • Please can we ask parents to continue wearing masks and to avoid congregating outside school.
  • Please can we also ask that unless they have siblings in lower year groups children in Years 5 and 6 are not arriving at school before 9am. We have many who are hanging around from 8.30am onwards unnecessarily, especially now it is colder weather too. If possible, please can children with younger siblings, who have travelled by car wait with parents in their cars.


 Thank you for your ongoing support.


 Yours Sincerely,



Mrs N Rynott 

Head teacher
