Friday 8th January 2021
Dear Parents and Carers
I wanted to write to you all following the surprise announcement on Monday night that schools were to close again whilst the country continues to battle against the virus.
Thank you for your understanding as we have been trying our best this week to accommodate the children of critical workers, vulnerable children and organise remote learning for those at home.
A few things to share at this point:
Remote Learning
- There will be learning activities, links and suggestions for every day on each child’s class page. You do not have to do everything, but we strongly recommend a focus at least on Reading, Writing and Maths activities. Phonics practice is also crucial for Reception, Year 1 and 2.
- Years 2-6 will be having a ‘live’ English lesson on most days starting from next week. (Year 6 starting on Wednesday). The only time that we might not be able to do this is if staff members become poorly – fingers crossed that won’t happen! Times and invites will be shared with each class directly. Key worker children will access these lessons online in school.
- There will be a ‘White Rose’ maths session uploaded for each day too (years 1-6). In addition all children in years R-6 took home workbooks for remote learning last term which will continue to be used when directed. Unfortunately we do not have spare copies of these as we were only able to purchase class sets of 30 for each year group.
- Our main channel of two-way communication for all learning is via the Seesaw app (Years 1-6) and Tapestry for Early Years. Every parent shoud have been sent links and it is nice and easy to use.
- Through Seesaw staff are able to provide feedback on work shared and communicate with their pupils, however I am directing staff to have a cut off point of 3pm. Anything shared after this time may not be commented on or marked until the next day.
- The BBC are also starting 3 hours per day of educational TV programmes suitable for all the different key stages from next Monday which should be very good and useful.
- If anyone requires paper or plain exercise books for the children to work in, please pop to school and we will sort these out for you.
Use of Technology
- All parents should have received an email about us applying for free increased data allowances for your mobile networks so that children can access everything needed online without worry of going over data limits or costing extra money. Please reply to that email by Monday 12pm if you would like us to organise this for you.
- You will have heard on the news that the government have been distributing electronic devices to schools. We have received a small number which we have to priortise to our most vulnerable pupils and then families with 3 or more siblings within our school first of all.
Free School Meals
- It was also announced yesterday that further funding would be coming for those entitled to Free School Meals. We will be looking at setting up another voucher system as soon as possible. Please bear with us. If you think that you might be entitled to Free School Meals but are not registered please contact Miss Carey, one of our Pastoral Managers who will look into this for you. Her email is:
Reminder Universal Free School Meals that all children in Years Reception, One or Two are not the same as being entitled to Free School Meals due to financial or home circumstances.
Support for Families
We realise that this is a very difficult and challenging time for all our families and we are here to support you in any way we can. Please do keep in touch and let us know if you need support in any way, whether it is to do with learning or home life in general.
With very best wishes. Take care everyone.
Yours Sincerely
Mrs N Rynott.