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Live Lessons - Years 2-6

Daily live lessons for Years 2-6 are proving extremely popular and we are delighted that on average over 95% of each class are participating each day. This is incredible and is ensuring that you are not falling behind with your English curriculum. Well done children!

All the staff wanted me to say thank you to the children for their attendance and hard work. We keep a daily register of attendance and I was really impressed to see the huge number of children who are attending each day.


  • If your child is in school part-time, we do expect them to attend the live lesson or complete remote learning activities on the days they are at home too please.
  • Please can children have their camera turned on so that we can check they are engaging and it is also good for us to be able to see every child in terms of safeguarding.
  • It would also be much better if each child’s own name was displayed on Zoom rather than a nickname so that we know exactly who we are admitting.
  • Please can we also ask parents to help their child log in on time and that there is no background noise so that everyone can listen and concentrate. Thank you so much J