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British Values

Schools ‘must actively promote British values’ – DfE


Schools in England are required by the government to actively promote fundamental British values to their pupils, both in lessons and in extracurricular activities.

At Saint Osburg's Primary School we aim to actively promote the values by challenging opinions or behaviours in our school that are contrary to fundamental British values.

 This ensures our pupils understand the importance of respect and leave Saint Osburg's Primary School fully prepared for life in modern Britain.”

Our teachers are expected to “uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school. This includes not undermining fundamental British values.”

Evidence of teaching and promoting British values at Saint Osburg's Catholic Primary School is stated below.



Parliament – Year 6 children participate in yearly workshops and a tour of The Houses of Parliament

School Council- Class elections are held and all children vote.

Class debates in R.E & English lessons - children are encouraged to express their views and feelings. All children are supported in having their voice heard.

Ethics – Taught in a range of PSHE units

Relationship and Sex Unit -  Unit covered in Year 6 curriculum


The rule of Law

Fire Brigade and Police – Recurrent visits for children from EYFS through to upper KS2

Class rules -  Children discuss and agree to their own classroom rules during transition days.

School rules & Behaviour Policy – All staff promote high expectations for children to follow.

Internet law and safety – Support and up to date information given to parents through workshops.  Internet safety rules followed by units taught in computing to all children and security put in place to protect all children and staff.

Road safety – Support from Road safety workshops.

Drugs-  Unit taught in year 5

Mission Statement  - Children and staff live out our school mission statement.

School Values 

Code of practice  


Individual Liberty  

Independent learning – children are encouraged to make choices during activities and their own learning through being responsible of their targets and next steps in learning.

Problem solving opportunities – Planned across the curriculum

Library – Children have a choice of independent reading books

Gold Award - Weekly award given to children to praise them for their current achievements.

Class Assemblies – Children led their assembly on a given theme.

Prayer Services – Led by children on a theme or issue of their choice. Children work in small groups to encourage team work.

Anti-Bullying – Anti bullying is firmly established.

Challenge Stereotypes  - Children participate in a range of sporting activities which challenge stereotypes such as dance (taught by a male and female teachers), High five (netball for boys and girls), football, rugby, cricket and basketball for both genders.  EYFS also support this by using a range of resources through independent play.

All staff support pupils in developing their self-esteem, self-knowledge and self-confidence which encourages the children to be independent and inspirational learners.


Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths

Differentiate - Children are given opportunities to work in mixed ability groups.

Faiths – The children have a wide opportunity to celebrate all different faiths through R.E topics and multicultural art / music weeks.

Visits and Visitors  - Our children have many opportunities throughout the school year to take part in an extensive variety of school trips from residential to science, history and P.E. We also support the new National Curriculum 2014 by having many visitors to our school. We value this greatly as it enriches the children’s learning in and outside of the classroom.

Links with other schools – We regularly visit other primary schools within our local and wider community. This supports our learning of other faiths and celebrations and encourages the children to become confident in acquiring an understanding of, and respect for their own faith.

