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Back to school update - 2nd September 2020

Wednesday 26th August 2020 
Dear Parents and Carers 
I hope that you have all managed to have a lovely summer. We are all very much looking forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back to school on Wednesday 2nd September.  It is vital that children and young people return to school, for their educational progress, for their wellbeing, and for their wider development. School attendance will therefore be compulsory from the beginning of the new academic year. 
Our main priority will be to alleviate any worries or concerns that the children have about returning to school and to ensure that they are feeling at ease and understand the changes that we have had to make to the building and routines. Following this there will be a focus on well-being and getting learning back on track.   
As part of our risk assessment and commitment to ensure that the school is as safe as possible for our whole community, we have made the following adjustments: 
School Changes

  • Children will be in their classes of no more than 30 pupils and these classes will only be allowed contact with other children in their phase ‘bubble’ (at breaks and lunchtime). Eg. Early Years, Years 1&2, Years 3&4 and Years 5&6. 


  •  Classrooms have been re-organised so that all desks face forward. (Years 1-6) 


  •  Start and finish times will be staggered to avoid congestion and large gatherings of people: 

Year 1 & 2 – enter school between 8.30-8.45am. Finish 2.45pm (main playground entrance) Year 3 & 4 – enter school between 8.45 -9am. Finish 3pm (main playground entrance)

Year 5 & 6 – enter school between 9am -9.15am . Finish 3.15pm (back door by the church)  

  • We will be asking parents to queue, adhering to social distancing guidelines) to collect their child in designated areas and then to leave site immediately in order to avoid gatherings. No children should be left on the playground unsupervised at the beginning of the day and should only enter the school site when it is their time slot.  


  •  Lunchtimes will be staggered too.  


  •  School uniform should be worn as usual, however this should be ideally be washed or changed daily. 


  •  On PE days the children should come into school already dressed in their kits so that there is no need for changing or additional items being kept in school. PE timetables will be shared next week. 


  •  Children may still bring in their school bag, lunch box and a named water bottle. There is no need for pencil cases as each child will be provided with their own individual stationery pack.  


  •  School dinners will be available as normal. 


  •  ‘Before & After School Club’ (with social restrictions) will be running as normal from Wednesday 2nd September.   Whilst we aim to offer as full a curriculum as possible, there will need to be some changes around such things as Music and how we organise home reading books. We might not be able to offer any extra-curricular activities after school at the moment either. This will all be communicated with you as soon as possible.  

Hygiene and Cleaning

Children will have access to regular opportunities for hand-washing and hand sanitiser in each classroom. We have increased our cleaning programme to include additional cleaning of ‘hot-spot’ areas at lunchtime in addition to an enhanced cleaning programme every evening. We do not feel that it is appropriate for primary pupils to wear face masks during lessons (as current advice states). However, if your child is wearing a face mask on public transport whilst travelling to and from school, please remind them to keep it safely in a clean bag during the school day. 
Your role as a parent and self - responsibility on the school site

School will do all that they can to take responsibility for health and safety measures for the children in their care. Parents must help schools by taking responsibility for their own health and safety.  We respectfully expect you to take responsibility for yourself at the school gates and in and around school by following: - Social distancing - Not remaining on site for longer than necessary.  - Avoiding the school office but make enquiries via phone call or email. - Hand hygiene - Observing any rules published by school for your safety - Ensuring that if your child or anyone in your household displays any symptoms of Coronavirus that the whole household self isolates and you share this information with us.  
Once we return fully in September we will be able to share more information about timetables and any other necessary changes with you all.  
I know that this is still an anxious time for everyone as we prepare to return to school, but I am confident that we can work together to ensure all children can return to school safely. If you feel that you or your child needs further support with this please email Mrs Fowler –  or Miss Carey - 
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.


Yours Sincerely 
Mrs N Rynott

